Diet and Fibro?

I've reduced carbs drastically and I have been doing so much better. I still have to be careful not to push myself into a flare. My snacks are now sunflower seeds, almonds and pistacio nuts. And occasionally dark chocolate with 70% plus cocoa. If I do carbs I try to do them with my am meal or lunch, but try to avoid carbs at dinner. I have been better. Hasn't been a cure for me, but does help. I also take probiotics, VIt B with folate, magnesium and omega fish oil. The only other medicine I take is levothyroxine. I couldn't take the savella. I think its best if we stay away from anything with preservatives, artificial sweeteners or anything processed. That is not an easy thing to do. I do keep boiled eggs in the fridge for a quick protein if Im not able to prepare a meal which is often. Hope you find what helps you.