Insomnia - What has worked for you?

Smiles, If you get Braggs which I buy at Walmart, it has the recipe. I think the Braggs organic is best.

Hi Jackie... I agree, that getting a sleep study done can be sure to rule out sleep apnea or some other sleep disorder. There are many sleep disorders. My sleep study showed that I did not get into the deep restorative sleep stage. But that was several years back and , since then, I have changed alot in my diet and habits and now can get much more restful sleep.



I am posting a new discussion on the Anti-Inflamatory Diet, since several on this discussion have asked about it.



I love Braggs ACV, the only one I'll use. My doctor approved it for me too. It also helps digestion, especially since alot of people suffer from low stomach acid as they get older.

I have to switch to different things at different times. When I don't want to take my prescription trazadone (only prescription for sleep that doesn't leave a horrid taste in your mouth for 24 hours) I have used chlor trimeton (anti-histamine) diphenhydramine, (sleep aids that are blue have this in it, it's also Benadryl), Melatonin, and tryptophan (tryptophan is only available in Canada). The last 2 are chemicals that are already in our brains, but we don't make enough of them when we have Fibro.

ambien, 3 klonopin, 3 neurontin puts you right to sleep. i have to take ten neurontin to keep the pain under control, and i take klonopin for a neurological condition. i've taken these drugs for many years.

I used to be able to take Melatonin combined with an antihistamine before dinner and it would knock me out. That doesn't work anymore. I'm seeing someone on Monday to get a referral for medical marijuana. I know that will put me to sleep.


I do some light yoga. Walking when weather is ok. Bio-identical hormones are derived from plant source and are identical to the molecular structure of the hormones that we normally produce in our bodies. I will only use those. Men and women both can sometimes benefit from hormone replacement. It's not just for women.


I eliminate all caffeine after 12 noon, turn the heat down before bed, and I take Gabapentin an hour before bed. I still sometimes have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, but the Gabapentin really helps with my insomnia.

Hi Jackie, I know when I have had enough sleep I'm still tired. You could sleep around the clock with fibro and still feel exhausted. Nature of the beast. Of course I also have chronic fatigue syndrome, so i really don't know if one or both cause the fatigue. Have a good day, Charlie :)