New and trying to accept it

Hi MoMorrell, thanks for the welcome!

That is a really great attitude to have, and it is so true. I know we can have full lives despite our weaknesses and stumbling blocks, and it isn't impossible to keep going. History has shown it. It's all in the attitude about our circumstances.

I am not fibromyalgia, and there are days when I have to remind myself of that, and then make modifications accordingly. It can be hard, but after all these years, I am getting better at accepting what I can't change. It is what it is, and unless/until my Father takes it away, I just have to roll with it. But I will be smiling inside the whole time!

Be blessed,


Thank you, SK, for the welcome, I am glad to be here, regardless of why! I feel better now that I have a name for all the symptoms together. It's amazing how that one little thing helps! Now it's just a matter of learning how to continue to be me, but with a few differences to make living a bit easier. I am optimistic about the journey!

Be blessed,


Thank you, Laura, for sharing your experience. I know you are glad you didn't have to wait years to get some kind of answer!

I know everyone is different, and I suppose that means our treatments will be different too. One thing I am thankful for is that there are options, and another is that many health care providers are taking this seriously, so that they will work with you to give the best care for YOU, and not just hand you some pills and send you on your way.

Fibromyalgia may not go away but dealing with it will get better, once we get it right. I am holding on to that belief, even now as my body hurts and my head doesn't seem to want to be clear today. ;-)

Be blessed,


Hi, Nancy, thanks for the encouragement! I am trying to get to some kind of point of balance in my life with this diagnoses. It's so up and down, that one day I will be thinking "this isn't too bad," and then the next day thinking that I will never, ever get out of bed again! However, I do believe just being here online helps with coping and finding that balance, so I am thankful for it!

Be blessed,


Thanks, Barb, glad to meet you! Hope all is well!


Hi, Tricky, I am not working at present. I was in HR through a temp service in 2009, but the perm position I was in fell through, and I decided to run a biz at home as a virtual assistant. But as I was getting that going, this fibro I was dealing with for years started getting worse or something, and not giving me a break. I spent months just trying to "get over it," while seeing docs and trying to rest, until the diagnoses this year. I have considered disability, but a part of me won't apply because I keep saying I will get a handle on this and go back to work. But like you I have spent most days in bed, or feeling just too tired to do anything at all.

I try to modify my life, though, so that I/we can get some enjoyment. I make time for my children, having a plan B for those times when we had planned something but have to change it because of this, and so far it has worked out. But it wasn't easy of course to get eveyone to accept that things have to change. Some days it still causes some diasppointment in the family. I find I do make more time for me, than I used to. We are finding the balance.

I am hoping that you find ways to feel beter and not like you are not living a full life any more. It sucks, I know. Some days I want to do such and such, but I simply can't. I am learing not to feel guilty and I don't offer apology to those who won't accept that I am no longer in a position to do like I used to. They just have to understand and if not, well...can't be helped. If they care about me, they will at least try to leave me alone about things.

Please feel better! Offering hugs and support!


Hi, angel, thanks, and welcome to you too! I think the same thing some days, one day it will be gone and I will be good again! But I am glad to be here and that it is not worse/terminal. I am not trying to take away from anyone's condition, but I watched heart problems, cancer and diabetes take so many family members in the last few years, and I have to say that I thank my Father I am not there.

It is difficult to accept when you have always been a "going" type of person, and sometimes reminding myself of what it could have been does not make me feel better. But I am working on getting a handle on it. I pray for that, for all of us who still struggle!

Be blessed,


Wow, 22 years! Yes, Fibro-Fighter is definitely what you are!!

Hi Nat, so glad you have found us, you will find that the people on here are so caring, compassionate, and helpful.
Accepting fibro is an ongoing battle !! Hardest thing ever, I know you will get great support and we welcome your support as well, this site has been such a blessing !!! I’m so glad you joined us !!
Hugs& blessings

Hi, Renie, thank you for the welcome!

I actually knew people years before I was diagnosed, who had fibromyalgia, even worked for one for a few months. She owned a daycare, and kept my children. I did not know the extent of her condition, but when she told me, I offered to help her do things, like little errands or whatever, and she decided to hire me part time in the office. I accepted not knowing I would be right there with her, health-wise, in two years time. All my oohs and ahs over the years did not "look like" hers, so I never even imagined I had FMS. Maybe she saw it in me or something, but did not want to press the issue.

Now some days I am like, wow, how did she ever manage to run a day care?? No wonder she would be out sick for days at a time!

Well I am learning how to live differently, and I think that is the biggest thing for me. Having to slow way down is hard to do when you never thought you really had to, and didn't want to either. But it's ok :-)


Hey, thanks for the welcome and warm words, Eeyore. I appreciate the understanding.

I think the thing I have to remind myself of is that things have changed. I am still me but with a few modifications, and that is perfectly ok. There are days I still wind up in bed saying "oh yeah, it's called FMS," because that question, "what is going on with me today?" still pops up in my mind - when the day is overcast, or I did too much the day before, or one of the kids hugs me and I cry out and scare them half to death.

But I am learning what is ok and what is not and how much. I am glad to have found this site because I believe it helps put things into perspective sometimes to connect with others in the same sitch.



Hey, thanks, Shar, I am looking forward to feeling some connections with folks who get it! It gets tiring going from doc to doc, each time hoping they can help more than the last one. But I am optimistic we will get there! Sending hugs to ya!


Nat, good for you to have the courage to keep trying with doctors because it gets tiring after awhile. Fibro seems to be one of those illnesses where you constantly ask yourself, "now why did I just go to him? What did I get out of that visit?" Then sometimes later on you can see the benefit of the visit.

There are truly so many people who visit this site and so many newbies that I hope you find that special connection and can tell someone else all about yourself and your struggles. It's a great place for doing just that. I honestly can't imagine going through this struggle alone.

Shar, I'm sorry that you have to be a newbie at 61! Honestly, this illness should have the decency to stop deviling people after a certain age. Maybe 50 or 55. And I'm also disappointed that your last year has been so much worse. I hope you find a doc who can get the fibro "in hand" and at a point where the pain is greatly minimized. Keep trying! It only takes one good doctor to put you on a better path.

Welcome to the both of you!

I wonder if you're right about doctor's claiming that it's not "progressive" because it's not damaging (although I suspect it is but at a cellular level.) That would certainly make more sense for their thinking (to them, at least) than for most doctors to just ignore and blind themselves to what they see over and over again from their fibro patients.

Halloween killed me last night. We gave out to 60 and closed up at 8:00. I was exhausted and went to bed by 8:15. Now I have been up since 1:00 AM hurting. It gets worse and never stops. Sorry. I have my microwave corn kernel filled heated pad on my neck, head, and shoulder now. God help you and hope you do not progress.

Yes, welcome. We are all here for you.