What diet works best to control Fibro pain?

I have been dairy free for 4 yrs.

All of a sudden my body just could not handle it.

Then I went Gluten free in addition to the removal of the dairy. It helped for a while. I did this for 2 yrs and then started eating the bread and pasta again but not a lot. Everything was fine, I even lost some weight adding the regular pastas back over the gluten free.

I was told to remove all sugars that are not in raw foods. Fruit was totally okay but no added sugar, no candy, no fake sugars, or substitutes. This was not possible. I am a candy lover. While I felt a bit better for the 6 weeks I lasted, I was really sad about the loss of my chocolate. I did lose 12lbs. I dont need to lose weight and missed my goodies so I ditched it and just to no dairy. I have issues with digestion since my fibro really got involved. It is all dependent on what feels good for you, try to eat as much fresh and whole food as possible. Additives and processing of food is so bad for us.