thank you for all this information because I have been diagnosed when I was 50 years old with fibromyalgia and life had become extremely difficult. Furthermore, 5 years ago I also had a brain aneurysm surgery for an unruptured aneurysm.
All my FMS symptoms you described so well : extreme fatigue, depression, severe allergies, sleeping problems and emotions running very high got tremendously amplified. I can’t seem to make the right decision in anything. I am constantly fighting with people to take advantage of me because they feel I believe , how vulnerable I am. before my surgery I did lose my friends and my business but I could still enjoy life. But since my surgery I am completely isolated and I just can’t cope anymore with my environment, with people, with the stress and everyday’s hastles. All problems seem to be huge mountains that I cannot climb.
Before I saw your website I thought it was only my surgery that did this to me but after reading your problems I am asking myself this question: is it possible that my brain aneurysm surgery had amplified my FMS because it was an extremely severe trauma and therefore it had diminished my immune system or is it that my fibromyalgia made it impossible for me to completely recover from my surgery?
Although the surgery went well meaning I have no major cognitive problems, no visual marks, nor mental disorder in the real sense or speech deformation, I feel totally different from what I used to be inside of me: I just can’t control my emotions anymore and I just can’t make decisions logically and as quickly as before. Even my instincts that helped me a lot before don’t seem to be there anymore or I don’t trust them.
I would love to know if anyone had experience something similar.
Thank you very much for helping me understand what’s going on in my life