I recently switched doctors and have been through several tests. My Dr did fibro tender point test and diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia 2 weeks ago. Prescribed Cymbalta and I’ve noticed a decrease in pain but an increase in anxiety. I also started seeing a chiropractor. I get massages and adjustments. That’s helped as well. The xray chiro did showed an unknown fracture in my spine C2. I’m taking my X-rays to neuro on 11/18. I have dizzy spells that make it hard to go to work, drive, do housework.
Welcome Ashley, you came to the right place for information and support. Fibro can be a challenge, especially in the beginning. However, with the right combination of medications and lifestyle changes life with Fibro can be fulfilling. It sounds like you have a good team of doctors working with you, that is really important. It would be good to mention the increase in anxiety to your doctor, it is good to communicate with them. One thing with Fibro is there is not a one size fits all treatment plan, everyone reacts differently to different things. It is important to keep trying to see what works for you. For me, the 2 biggest factors are keeping my stress level as low as possible and getting enough sleep. Also, not overdoing it. It takes a while to figure out what overdoing it is for you but if you listen to your body, you will realize when to stop. A lot of people keep or have kept pain diaries (including myself) where you document how you are feeling thru the day / night and what you were doing. If you do that, I encourage you to share it with your doctor. You also mentioned you were having dizzy spells - have you mentioned this to your doctor? It could be a side effect of the Cymbalta but only your doctor can tell you that. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Hugs!
Hi Ashley! You have found a great site to join, lots of information, advice and support! I have had Fibro for about 18 years, not serious until almost 2 years ago after getting shingles. I am also on Cymbalta and it has reduced my pain. I started at 20 mg and am now on 60 mg, I understand the most prescribed for Fibro is 60 mg, more than that has not proven to be more effective. I asked my doctor why Cymbalta instead of other alternatives. She said it would kill 2 birds with one stone, as with such chronic pain, you will eventually be depressed. Just make sure that you have a doctor that number one believes in Fibro and is willing to focus on each and every issue that may arise. I had a very bad doc for over a year, my year of hell! The doctor I have now is very caring and a great listener! With Fibro you may have other issues, such as restless legs, sleep problems and depression. Make sure that all are attended to and taken seriously. Great advice from my doctor, on days that I am feeling very bad and fatigued, rest, go to bed, sleep, do what you body is telling you it wants, it needs it! Remember too that stress is probably the biggest reason for Fibro flares! Good you are dealing with other issues as well. I have osteoarthritis as well, just had surgery on my thumb to build a new joint because arthritis ate away and crumbled it. I am now seeing the spine specialist and facing for surgery, because of arthritis! The Golden Years...gotta love them! Take care, put your concerns first and get answers!
The anxiety and dizziness could be linked to the new medication. Don't just stop taking it though - check with your GP. These things may lessen once you get used to the meds. I had similar with the ones that I am on. Friends on the same medication also suggested I make sure I eat when I take them, even if its only a couple of biscuits. Some of these drugs apparently work much better if they are with food. I suffered dizzy faint spells and found this worked really well.
Hi Ashley. Welcome to the site. I’m a rheumatologist and I’ve been treating fibromyalgia for over 25 years. Although I don’t treat over the phone or by email, I agree with much of what was said by the other members. Fibro is a little different for each sufferer. Because we don’t have a metric for fibromyalgia a lot of what we do is trial and error based on individual experience and history. Although that sounds like a shot in the dark, there are only a finite number of variations on this condition. Although you’re not like every other fibromyalgia patient, you are like many other patients. Chances are some tailoring of a previously used protocol regimen of medications and lifestyle changes will work for you. Bottom line is don’t lose hope and maintain the network of support with your doctors, friends family and fellow sufferers. Best of luck.
Hi Ashley
You need to have an emg/ncs done to rule out other things. i couldnt take cymbalta .It made me so dizzy and nauseuas(i didnt spell that right but hopefully you get it) lol. I could not walk across the room i couldnt even stand to be laying down . you probably need to talk to your dr about the dizziness. I have found the best thing for me especially when i am feeling anxious is to tell myself to just breath and take one minute at a time.Oh yeah I take on just one thing at a time and not try to do twenty things at the same time like i use to.
I’ve had the dizzy spells for over a year now. They thought they were linked to low BP but ruled that out. I believe the increased anxiety is related to the Cymbalta. I’ve had issues in the past with anxiety but usually when I have a lot going on. Work is stressful right now. I have 5 children. They can be very helpful around the house but the older two are teens so that’s getting a little stressful. Recently having $ issues due to missing work because of feeling bad or Dr appts.
Your dizzy spells maybe the new medicine. It will take time for your body to get used to it. Make sure you eat something and take it slow when you move from a still position. I noticed my dizziness would happen when I got up from sitting or lying down and also if I turned my head suddenly. My anxiety has been getting worse and worse over the years. I am going to Psychologist next week. I am also on Cymbalta but I noticed a decrease in my Anxiety when I first started taking it about a year ago. I was on Savella for a while then had to change due to stomach upset. FM is life changing, the best thing I have found is to pace myself and find a good person to talk to when you need to vent.
I found out that one of the side effects of Cymbalta can be increased pulse rate. I had a pulse of over 100 bpm for the first few months. I have spent many years fighting anxiety and the high pulse feels quite similar to me. It did calm down after a few months. Good luck with the dizzy spells. My doc finally figured out the nerve that causes the dizziness had been “upset” by a severe ear infection. So he had me on a chewable OTC motion sickness medicine (not Dramamine). Worked for me! Keep asking questions and looking for answers. We are all here to help. Hugs.
Hi Glenn I have a question regarding exercise and Fibro. I have been attempting to keep active. At one point, I was doing
Zumba 2 x a week. The only problem is that afterwards I felt like I was hit by a truck. Brought the complaint to MD and he said it's going to be the new norm. I was told walking is supposed to be good, but it takes me close to 3 days to get over the pain and stiffness. I honestly don't feel like I am over doing it.
Im open to suggestions
Glenn Parris said:
Hi Ashley. Welcome to the site. I'm a rheumatologist and I've been treating fibromyalgia for over 25 years. Although I don't treat over the phone or by email, I agree with much of what was said by the other members. Fibro is a little different for each sufferer. Because we don't have a metric for fibromyalgia a lot of what we do is trial and error based on individual experience and history. Although that sounds like a shot in the dark, there are only a finite number of variations on this condition. Although you're not like every other fibromyalgia patient, you are like many other patients. Chances are some tailoring of a previously used protocol regimen of medications and lifestyle changes will work for you. Bottom line is don't lose hope and maintain the network of support with your doctors, friends family and fellow sufferers. Best of luck.
Ashley, I am truly sorry that you have been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 2010. So I have had time to figure out what usually works & what doesn’t work for me. I just want you to know that it may take a while to figure out what works for you but it will happen. Although life with fibromyalgia is by no means normal, you will find your new normal. You need to learn to listen to your body. It will tell you when you can be active & when you need to take it easy. God bless you and keep you.
HI and welcome to the mixed up world of Fybromyalgia. Cymbalta can take a while to get used to, maybe your dose should be adjusted. I was started on 30mg and could not tolerate it, my anxiety flew out of the window and like yourself dizzy spells. My GP dropped it to 20mg daily and after 2 months I could take it back up to 30mg which is all I can tolerate.
I commiserate with your pain from back, I have 3 compressed lumbar discs from a previous accident where 5 completely slipped. I only found out after a MRI 3 months ago they were compounded. They won’t get better now but I have massive problems trying to keep the muscle mass along side of spine.
All I can say about all of this is they should have warned you about possible dizziness on Cymbalta before you drive…not a good combination! You shouldn’t really drive whilst taking them in that condition and check with GP about driving if you start to feel better on them!
Fybro can throw all sorts of things at us and only we find those out ourselves I’m afraid. There are the usual tiredness, pain and brain fog symptoms but my word there is so much more and we are here to help. Some have had loads of symptoms some hardly any but we are here. I am a trained Pharmacy Technician so any info on how meds are affecting you just ask. Best wishes
Hi Ashley. I am sorry to hear you are having money problems. Althhough I cannot help you get to work or get through your dizzy spells, I can offer advice and alternatives that might help. Can you Take a bus to work? Can someone give you a ride or perhaps carpool? If you really just cannot work, I know money is a concern but if you just cant, perhaps talk to your boss or human resources about taking leave from work for a couple months. Now might be a perfect time to get more information since you have a doctor appointment in a couple weeks. Most paid leave programs (FMLA or disability) require the doctor to fill out paperwork. Also, if it is the dizzy spells that cause you to miss work, be sure to tell your doctor that. It will make a difference in hoe serious they take the symptom. Now, paid leave is not for everyone, and sometimes you might have to take unpaid leave, so definitely find out what you are entitled to.
Welcome to the site! I hope you find all the support you need here!
Heather meow
Hi Ashley-
Always deal with the known symtems before the unknown ones. The fracture is a known problem, so definitley get that straightened out right away. And it seems the Neuro Dr is the right person to check out the fracture along with the dizzy spells. But be very careful with the Cymbalta and other drugs, like Lyrica. They help in 1 way and create more problems in other ways. Like dizziness and anxiety. Extremely common side effects with these drugs. I’m not saying don’t take them. I have and still take some, (Tramadol only for pain) but be very careful.
Hi Ashley. I had some anxiety along with nausea and a headache when I started Cymbalta but after the third week all the side effects went away. I have very good luck with Cymbalta. I have to watch my fluid intake closely because if I get the slightest case of dehydration my pain level goes up. I also experience muscle spasms so I take Flexaril for that and it works very well. I have to agree with the others who stated that you might want to file for disability now, it is a long process and fairly stressful but once I was approved I felt somewhat validated, someone final believed me.
I felt so over whelmed by the diagnosis at first but it does get easier. You find out your limits and if you don't over do your symptons will lessen, find the right meds and the pain gets less. When the pain is less your brain seem clearer and works better. It took me about 8 months to get all my little fibro ducks in a row and now I can lead an acceptable life. Not the one I had before but a good life where I get to do things I want to do and love I just don't do them all in the same day. I started blogging after my diagnosis and it has turned out to be my saving grace. It makes me feel productive which I was missing. My life is not a busy as it once was but it is still very happy.
I wish you much good luck during this journey.
Hugs Traci