First Post- Scared and Emotional


My name is Sarah and I have been going through about 3 years of tests due to a variety of strange symptoms and widespread pain. At first we thought it was autoimmune because I already have two autoimmune diseases. However, I have seen three different rheumatologists and they all say there is no indication of rheumatic disease.

I go back for my follow up appointment with the rheumatologist in 2 weeks, and I am pretty confident I will be getting a diagnosis of fibro. I have all 18 tender points and my symptoms seem consistent with everything I have read.

I’m wondering if anyone would be willing to share their diagnosis story? I have been dealing with this for so long and I am just exhausted physically, mentally, socially, emotionally. I’m also terrified because everything I read about Fibro seems so depressing, like nothing helps.

Does anyone have any words of encouragement? I really appreciate it.


It will only be depressing if you let it. It is definitely a slap in the face. Mine started out like I was getting the flu but the flu never fully happened and it never ended. Doctors didn’t figure it out for 3 years. The diagnosis was almost a relief because 3 years of not knowing was hard on me. I NEED to know. I’ve recently come to the realization that this is my life and I have to find ways to make the best of it. Certainly stressing about it being horrible isn’t going to get me anywhere. One way I’m trying to change my mindset is to say a prayer of thanks every morning before I get out of bed. If I don’t have to pee right away, I meditate for a few minutes on all the things I’m thankful for - otherwise, I meditate while peeing… (tmi?)

I’ve been doing this for about 3 months now and it’s made an amazing difference in my outlook. I’m more productive, too. I still ache like the Dickens, but, aching while depressed is horrible. This is definitely better.

Just remember that stress makes everything worse, especially Fibro. I think the Fibro monster feeds on stress and sugar. Try to avoid them.

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Thank you so much for your response. Your story sounds very similar to mine. The physical pain is awful, but the YEARS of being in pain and not knowing why is taking its toll on me mentally and emotionally. I am just ready to know what is wrong and be able to fight it the best way I can. Every time I have a doctor’s appointment my anxiety shoots through the roof because I am afraid they are going to tell me nothing is wrong and they can’t help me again.

What kind of doctor do you see? I just went to a rheumatologist and found out he does not treat fibro. I feel like all the doctors tell me they don’t have answers but then do not direct me to someone who could help.

If I could afford to go to a doctor of my choice, I would choose a Chinese Medical Practitioner. They treat the individual patient and use plant-based medicine and acupuncture. Any regular doctor is going to tell you he can’t find anything wrong so it must be in your head. They blame their patients when their chemicals don’t magically work.

I’ve been using essential oils and managing to avoid doctors but my knee just blew up and I’m having to deal with them again. My blood pressure is through the roof, too. I don’t know if it’s from the extreme pain or from being jerked around by my insurance company.

Your best bet on finding a good doctor for Fibro is to talk to people around town… I get some of my best information in line at the grocery store.

Thank you so much for the advice! I really appreciate it! I’m sorry to hear about your knee and the insurance. Having a chronic condition sucks in so many different ways :frowning:

i find electrical heating pads are a godsend so are wheatbags and hot water bottes.Hot epsom salt baths can be good for pain.Wrapping yourself in a really soft blanket can help immensly as well.Im sorry you dont have a diagnosis yet i hope you get a diagnosis soon and get some treatment.If you can stand pressure on you massage could help as well.Hope my tips help somewhat!

Thank you so much! I actually had a massage today. Helped for a little while, but I am feeling the pain again. My neck/shoulders/jaw are excruciating 24/7. Does that sound like fibro? I am also completely and utterly exhausted from normal daily activities, like laundry or cleaning the kitchen. Ice and heat therapy seem to help ease the pain at the time, but it seems nothing makes lasting improvements. I’m so confused and desperate for answers!

It does sound like fibromyalgia to me. A tiredness that NEVER goes away, ever. A flu and ache, that never really gets to a real flu, but always feels like you’re just coming down with the flu. Strange soreness, like you’ve bruised yourself in multiple places, but you know you haven’t hurt yourself! (“Hmmmm? I don’t remember rolling drunkenly down a hill! Why do I hurt like this?”)

I remember always wincing when I put my seatbelt on – the seat belt catch brushing over my hip area near my butt cheek, would make me flinch with pain, and sometimes yelp! This was 15 years before I was diagnosed. Weird tenderspots.

Massages were hit or miss with me – sometimes they make things MUCH worse. I don’t like to be touched or hugged, (except for my kids, or my partner, or pets) because of my sensitivity issues.

Getting the fibromyalgia diagnosis two years ago was a relief, as it explained SO much of how rotten I’d been feeling (I’d been spiraling down for 4-5 years prior, but I’ve had this condition for much longer). I’ve been in denial for the last two years though, trying to muscle through my life, like nothing was really wrong.

In the last year there’s been some stressful events (ha ha, major understatement!), and OMG, my body and condition just went klaplooie! So, I completely understand feeling emotional about all this. I’ve transitioned from denial to the anger stage of the spectrum, but it’s emotional, just the same, and I’m right there with ya!

That’s the only good part about being sh*t on by all the medical community, and derided by coworkers (“you’re just lazy!”) or family – you eventually move from scared and depressed to pissed, and there’s some SERIOUS power in that anger! Ain’t nobody gonna treat your condition or ignore your pleas when you’re in the anger stage! I’ll kick those folks to the curb. I seriously don’t have time for them in my life.

So, SJB, I guess, keep posting, keep researching, and keep searching for a people in your circle who will support you. You will move beyond the scared stage – maybe eventually we’ll be in the “Acceptance” stage, and can be all Zen and at peace with this chronic illness, and feel more empowered.

Here’s to peace and a pain free day!

Thanks so much for your response! I had my doctor’s appointment 2 weeks ago and was diagnosed with fibro. I knew it was coming. I have my good days and my bad days, but today has been pretty awful.

I am currently tapering off prednisone (was on 50 mg a day, now I’m down to 10). I think I might be having prednisone withdrawal symptoms, but then again, it could just be the fibro. So I’m really confused. I’m also decreasing my zoloft so that I can start Cymbalta soon. I have heard so many mixed reviews about it, I don’t really know what to expect.

I’m in a ton of pain and I’m feeling super down, which could be the effect of all the changes in my meds. I’m trying to keep myself together and toughen it out until I can give the new medication a chance.

I go through moments where I feel like I am going to “beat this” and then I realize that if it really is fibro, I can’t beat it, and it will always be there. Then I see pictures of other families doing fun activities that we used to do, and I get so jealous. I just want to feel well for one day.

Ugh, sorry this post was so depressing. I’m having a tough night. :frowning: