Flare ups?

I am confused, and hurt, which makes the fog/confusion worse. I am probably on the lower end of the spectrum, when it comes to daily pain. I have some pain everyday, but it is usually managed with Ibuprofen. Only a couple times a week do I have to take my T3. I am on Lyrica 200mg, so I know that is mild compared to some. Usually I know what triggers my flare ups...mostly weather, stress, exhaustion. This past week, though, I have no idea! The weather is great, no changes in the fronts. Stress is pretty much at its normal levels, and I have gotten decent sleep. But, I have been in the worst pain, since I was diagnosed a little over 1 year ago. I hurt ALL OVER. My head feels like its in a cloud, nothing I do makes the pain better. I don't want to take too many pain meds, but I can't even function without them right now. I work a full time job, and can't afford to take time off (not to mention I am still fairly new and it would look really bad), and I have a 3 and 4 year old that are extremely active.

I guess my question is..Do you have flare ups for no reason at all? I know everyone is different, but some insight might help me understand this better. How do you treat them? Is the treatment different than your everyday management?

This is just so frustrating! Feeling sick without looking sick is one thing. At least with normal flare ups, I can attest it to something like weather or stress. In my mind, I can justify why I feel the way I do. But right now, there is nothing! It drives me crazy that I can't justify this feeling to "illness" or weather, or anything...

Thank you for the advice, and letting me rant :)


Yes indeedy I have.

Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to the pain. It just IS.

Call your Doctor to find out if it may be something else.

I had to have my niece take me to the PCP's office, within 3min I was placed into a wheelchair & into an exam room, The nurse said, what did you do??? & I said NOTHING. When the Dr was free he took one look at me & ordered a shot of something ( I know that that sounds lame but I couldn't think, I couldn't concentrate, I was encircled by the intensity of the pain) I am alergic to morphine & codien, so I know it wasn't them.

My niece took me home w/her. I put a pair of sweats on & fell asleep & stayed asleep for 16hrs!!!

I hope your flare doesn't last long!!!


I seems no matter what I do, sometimes nothing works, it’s frustrating. I’m laying on couch having work all week, in pain! Can’t move…it sucks because I would like to enjoy my weekend. Instead i will lay here recovering. Feel better soon.

Hi Jennifer, yes sometimes I get flares for no apparent reason. Sometimes if I think back, I will realize that maybe it is an accumulation of over a few weeks time doing just a little more each week than I should . . .I also work full time and have a 10 year old (although your 3 and 4 your old probably have more energy than mine). All the suggestions given are great, I find the Epsom salt bath helps for a bit and I use ice on tender areas (I just don't do heat well) and that sometimes helps some as well. I hope you come out of this soon. HUGS!

Some times, I have a flare and don’t know why until later on. Could be I’m getting sick, or my allergies are kicking up, have been busier than usual, or something else. Try not to worry too much about it, since the only thing you’ll accomplish is more stress! Usually, if you’re well controlled, you’ll stay that way, so knock that worry off of your list.

If you need to take your rescue meds, don’t beat yourself up about that. They’re prescribe to you for a reason, and if you are hurting, that’s a good reason!

You might try to get an appt with the doc that usually manages your FMS, just so they know that something out of the ordinary is happening. If they need to, they can do any testing they want". F there’s something to find, it’s better for them to look when your not feeling so hot.

For flares, I try to let myself rest and baby myself. The Epsom salts baths that others mentioned are my favorite flare remedy. My pharmacy has a lavender Epsom salts that is really nice. It has a gentle fragrance and it helps me sleep. I also use a lavender sachet in my pillow and a low dose of melatonin to increase the odds of me getting a solid night of sleep. So, I do a soak in the warm tub with salts, bubbles and candles, take a melatonin, curl up with a book and relax. This helps a lot. I also take my rescue med with the melatonin (ask your doc or pharmacist before doing this combo). A good night of sleep really helps me get the pain under control.

I sincerely hope that you get some relief soon; this must be frustrating for you. :frowning: Remember to take care of yourself, allow yourself to take breaks, and to be human(we can’t always be super woman!), and don’t beat yourself up for the things that you need to let slide for right now. Take care of you!

Thank you everyone for your advice and concerns!

Luna01, wow! that sounds like it was pretty bad. Luckily, I have not gotten that bad.

Lovett, I have noticed my diet can affect me. I am trying to lose weight, so I have been trying to really watch what I eat, when I eat, and portion sizes. I exercise when I feel good enough to do so, and that helps tremendously. But, for various reasons, I haven't been able to exercise much over the past couple weeks. My diet hasn't been all that great, so maybe that is having an influence on this flare.

Necee, my thoughts exactly! I hope you feel better soon, too!

Auburnm, I have been trying to keep a journal so I can look back and see what my triggers are. Wouldn't it figure, I have slacked off these past couple weeks?!

GrumpyCat, I never thought about allergies, but I think mine are bothering me!

I did try to take it easy this weekend, but we had some events planned with the kids, so it wasn't nearly as relaxing as I was hoping for. But, I was able to take a nap, and get a couple nights of "better" sleep. On Saturday, I almost felt normal again. It may have been because I was so distracted by the kids playing with their friends, or it could have been the extra sleep and relaxing I did Friday night. But then Sunday, I had a few moments where I hit a brick wall, and now I am back to work. Mondays are never fun, but after reading all these responses, I am not as frustrated or stressed over how I am feeling. I have to accept it for what it is, and that in itself should help me a bit. It is nice knowing I am not alone, and there are all these wonderful people here to rant and vent, ask questions, post positive thoughts, and just plain talk to!
