Getting Worse?

Hi KMC and thanks for joining us. (I tried typing your whole name and my fingers kept messing it up; I finally gave up.)

I do think that diet change and yoga helps. I mean, at least that means you are keeping your body healthy overall.

As far as progressiveness, I personally believe that it gets worse, based upon my own experiences and from what I've read here. I don't know if it gets worse and worse and worse and worse, year after year. I think it's more likely that it may start out in one part of your body that bothers the heck out of you but you can still function, then it progresses steadily throughout your body. And I know that I didn't do too badly last summer but when last fall came, I felt like someone had smashed a sledge hammer against my knees, back and elbows. And my knees also froze up so I could barely move them for about 6 months.

This fall I'm doing ok so far. I don't know if things will be better than last year but if so, I'll definitely let you know. One difference is that I'm not working any longer. Even though I really liked my job, the stress of it must have been setting my fibro off because I struggled so much throughout this year until I finally quit in mid-July.

I guess the meds and Vitamin D have helped me to keep from going insane. As long as you can find some medicine that reduces the pain, I think you will not go crazy from the fibro pain. Maybe you can keep working, if you still are. Reduction of pain and stress seem to be key factors to dealing with fibro.

Hang in there. If we all prop each other up, we can do it!