I'm just curious if anyone had fibro for a number of years, then found something that cured them. My guess is if it's possible, it would be through alternative medicines. I'm looking for the tiniest bit of hope.
I know of some people who thought they were cured using some miracle supplement. They felt better for awhile, but then found themselves worse than they had been previous to starting this miracle supplement.
Always have hope, Terri. Always. I have been as low as one can get over the past several years. I have had to use so many medications and could move so little. Been to so many specialists. I am going through a season that is surprising me a great deal. I have been able to increase my activity, reduce all of my meds and even stop (under supervision and slowly) two major meds. I am pushing myself just a little past my comfort zone each day and not getting the rebound fatigue and pain. I am encouraged. I am not expecting this to last, but I hope. Let's all keep hope alive in ourselves. This condition is such a mystery. We must take care of ourselves, see all the specialists as things come up and do the recommended things to increase our quality of life. But, if we see a window where things are good we must jump on it and enjoy the ride. Life is too short. Let's not let this thing win us over. If only for a season...enjoy...hope!
Check out this discussion on supplements. It has some great information for you. http://forum.livingwithfibro.org/forum/topics/supplements-we-take-that-have-helped-us?id=3965623%3ATopic%3A216156&page=2#comments
Thanks for the opportunity for me to share some positive news. Always hope, Terri. If not for an immediate cure...just for some good seasons in life.
Thanks LKitty! I'm going to remind myself often of what you posted, "enjoy the ride". That's a good moto and when we see an opportunity to increase our quality of life, we should not hesitate.
Terri, I'll tell you this, when my arthritis is good, so is my fibro! So that speaks volumes, as a matter of fact my Rheum told me that he thought the Psoriatic Arthritis actually CAUSED the fibro.
Yes, L-Kitty is right always have hope!
crynsuger is our second nurse to sing the praises of LDN, Marygrace also swears by it. If the Enbrel and Opana ever stop working that is the direction I'm heading, it's my back up plan!
Keep looking up!
Terri, I cannot say I've been "cured" but I have absolutely improved to the point that I no longer need daily meds. I was diagnosed in 1992 when my youngest son was 18 months old. I actually had the most help from the simple "old standby" medication--Elavil. I took 20 mg daily for ten years. THEN, many of those in my support group were finding that when they eliminated aspartame and all manner of "diet' stuff from their lives, their symptoms improved dramatically. Several who'd been on disability went back to work. I stopped anything that had any type of "diet" or sugar substitute sweetener in it and lowered my intake of high fructose corn syrup. It helped so much that my doctor worked with me to cut down my Elavil. Lowering the dose was somewhat possible, but I had unexpected breakthrough days, and had to continue on the 20 mg. Well, I've since changed states and I'm medication free. HOW? Well, my new state has a much better air quality for one thing. Also, I no longer eat as much processed food. My mantra these days is this: If God made it, it's ok; if a chemist made it, stay away. I also use organic whole goats milk instead of processed nut milk, I eat primarily a flexitarian diet and organic whenever I can. I also react to red meat....I'm now convinced it's the antibiotic/steroids in it, because I now use meats from a local organic farmer and have no issues. I'm convinced that chemicals in our food increases our pain. IF you're still on "diet" drinks or heavily chemical laden foods, try a more organic diet---not those fad diets, but rather choosing foods as close to organic and natural as you can. It's helped many of my fellow sufferers in my former support group and many folks I've met since my move have benefitted from it as well. Just my 2 cents--your results mary vary.
VintageHippie, I am impressed. Your food choices are something I strive toward and am getting much better at shopping and preparing less processed foods. Maybe that is why I have been able to reduce my meds again. Do you find corn, as a whole, a bad food choice?
I do not react to corn personally. I've eliminated it and reintroduced it, with no difference. That said, I don't eat a LOT of corn or corn products other than corn "by products" like you find in "processed" foods or convenience foods as corn syrup. I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup at all costs, however. I've estimated that I eat corn itself approximately 20-25 times a year (once every other week approx) if that. I usually choose flour tortillas when I use them, and I use organic corn meal only for other things like corn bread and corn cakes.
That said, I live in a farming community--not commercial necessarily, but family farms. That's how I get organic goat milk and better quality foods. It's proven that heirloom vegetables have a much higher nutrition content than regular "Walmart" or "Kroger" veggies, so I grow a lot of mine in raised beds and containers in my garden that I can't get from others. I also grow my own organic herbs which changes the taste of food. For instance, I might make an organic chicken for dinner in my pressure cooker with my fresh rosemary, thyme, and sage. From the broth, I'll make dumplings or spaetzle out of fresh ground flour and it's amazing! Then, I'll add a fresh veggie and/or salad. That's dinner. Next day, I'll use the leftover chicken for pot pie with my own flour for crust and mixed veggies I've collected from left overs.
I rarely have left overs that I don't already plan for because organic/heirlooms are expensive and I don't need to toss them. It took me about two years to get it down, but I do feel I"m doing pretty well in the food area now. FINALLY.
Good information VintageHippie. Thanks for sharing it. What we have that doctors do not is experience in living with the diagnosis. So, your information from your own experience is very valuable to others who have fibro as well as your doctor. I hope you have shared your experience with your doctor. And I hope that he/she has included it as anecdotal information in your file.