Has anyone tried the P-Stim?

My doctor gave me a handout on it. We are discussing it next week.

I have but not for my Fibromyalgia. I have nerve damage in my brain and I had 6 treatments to try to retrain my brain not to react to the nerve pain. It didn't work for me but I have a very rare case of Neuralgia, brain surgery didn't work either.

I read the flip book my Neurosurgeon had about the P-Stim and I saw that they use it for a great many ailments, fibro, migraines,neuralgias, etc.

You wear it for three days and then take it off and throw it away. My Blue Cross covered it 100%. It produces a bee sting kind of electrical impulse. A combo of acupuncture/electricity. There are some side effects that I had but I would think they are pertinent to the placement of the P-Stim and to the ailment.

I would be very interested to see if it works for you. It's only been used in the U.S. for a bit over a year but has been used successfully in Europe for over 10.

Good luck to you! If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask me.

PeacenLove~Always~Laurel aka Northwoods G-Ma

I have not but read an article a couple of weeks ago that showed favorable results. Let us no what you decide and how it works for you