JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 4, Thursday - Christmas Eve - good day, apart from the outdoor service, bad 30’

Acupressure yesterday focused on dry mouth amongst other things. Tonight I tried GC dry mouth gel, didn’t help that much tho, just changes the dryness-discomfort a bit, so the acupressure again didn’t help there (like it did once originally for about 3 weeks). Also I’m thinking it’s not just dry mouth it’s dry all over: mouth, eyes, stomach, gut, skin, and I just had a small calf-cramp again, which in my case is never lack of Mg, it’s also drinking more. Maybe we ought to focus on general dryness more.

Sleep: Thighs 2x, joints 6x, dry mouth, itchy scalp, bit hungry, but wasn’t particularly stiff after enough sleep (10h10-25=9h45 incl. ±1h dozing). Might’ve been better earlier, I’d probly’ve dozed less.
Strangely I’m having a bout of focal seizures again, first 8th & 9th, now 2 today, making 4; only 2 in Nov and 2 in Oct. Usually that’s meds. What’s new? 5HTP. What’s the research? Some people’s seizures improve, some worsen, with melatonin also.
I almost never have seizures at night. The first one came about 6h after taking the 5-HTP. Makes me wonder what was going on the last time I took it, too. Looking up it was in May, where I didn’t register any seizures in my pain diary.
Interesting what will happen to my energy and pain when I stop 5-HTP again - on this epilepsy forum I read someone with increased energy (and more vivid dreams) due to 5-HTP. https://www.coping-with-epilepsy.com/threads/5-htp.512 , but also several people with increased seizures.
English wikipedia (as well as other sites too) also says “Potential side effects of 5-HTP include heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, sexual problems, vivid dreams or nightmares, and muscle problems.”…

I could try L-Tryptophan instead (again), but I thinks it’s probably similar. Melatonin itself doesn’t go thru the blood-brain-barrier.

Here https://www.supplements-and-health.com/tryptophan-side-effects.html it says:
One of the principal L-tryptophan catabolites, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK or 3HOK), augments oxidative stress in the brain and is able to induce depression , epileptic seizures, and other brain damage (Guilarte & Wagner, 1987; Stone, 2003; Wichers & Maes, 2004)

Things to remember:
Work’d be easier without mask! :bangbang:
Difference at the mo to non-fibro: Everything is always still tangibly there in the background, and very present as soon as I hold some position for longer.

Good day apart from the last 15’ of the outdoor Christmas service (standing in the cold, despite longjohns and rain legs) and warming up and moving afterwards. = 30’. (But the service was sweet.)