JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-02-26, Friday

Sleep: 21:45-7:30-40’=9h05 (6h deep sleep first, then 3 dozing with jaw pain)
Work: 20’E 10’@ 12:10-exV-12:35=25’ hair 12:45-E5A-5-13:55=1h05. 14:15E4-14:35=20’ 15:50-E-17:15=1h25 19:40-21:10=1h30 = 5h15 +5h45 +4h05 +4h05 4h10
Activities: Table tennis started with 0:2, then got back 4:2, hard, almost gave up after the first 4, but now I’m stretching the myofascial pain away and standing working too…
Treatment: Belly aorto hasn’t worsened. 3 Heart checks coming up in the next 2 weeks.
Pain: The jaw pain is now most of the time, esp. after eating, doing anything to my teeth, trying jaw exercises, acupressure didn’t help, so I’m trying arnica complex cream. There is nothing wrong with my teeth or gums at all. I’m wondering if I’ve had this the whole time, just the aspirin for my blood has been controlling it, because I’ve run out this week. Was hoping to leave the aspirin off, because of probably exacerbating my stomach acidity (hunger at night) and my blood vessels being OK, I’ll ask my angiologist today. Oops, forgot: so next week. But arnica… let’s see.
Gut: Hungry again. Despite not taking the aspirin.
Diagnoses: My toenail’s getting better again due to tea tree oil. Still wondering whether it’s PsA. Doesn’t seem at all fungal. There’s 2-3 other nails which aren’t like they sh’d be. My CK-MB-ratio means I need to get my heart checked again more closely and now I’ve got more energy I sh’d be able to do a full heart physical performance test. Up to now everything’s been OK. But better to be sure, there’s too many small indications of trouble everywhere. Sent my GP what he needs to do so I can get the endocrinological tests necessary cos of increased TPO-level.
Development: If it weren’t for the jaw pain I’d probably be OK at the moment.