JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-03-29, Monday

Sleep: 1 drop of CBD oil at 20:15. 22:05- 23:30p.u.tooth mouth guard out again due to more tooth ache. 1:50p15’ sore throat → Marigold essence, for tooth too. 4:00 p, sore throat, nose → hot water bottle. 6:35p better, but → also warmer clothes. Feel less numbed by the CBD oil than when I woke up before. Left nostril has been hurting outside → Marigold. 8:10p55’ better tooth without guard :white_check_mark:. Still fairly numb, not awake, despite coming up to 10h, have to remember warmer clothes, :white_check_mark: better then, Marigold on left nostril better :white_check_mark: , but still need more. 9h55-30= 9h25.
Nap: 0
Work: 0
Activities: Table tennis 7:1, fast cycling, Worked thru my private mails indoors and on the balcony at last.
Feeling well: 22:00- 70%, 15:00 80%, 17:00 sitting/lying on balcony in sun & wind 40%, pain up to 5, but nice all the same, pain back down after 30 mins indoors. WIND IS A PAIN - anyone else like that?
Treatment: Took even more supps yesterday, glutamin and my wife gave me a 5mg-B12-injection. Just to see if anything gets me up again. Acupressure: ear, stomach, chest. Felt great directly after, incl. after table tennis, but no longer after balcony.
Pain: 1-2 most of the day, but up after balcony.
Gut: 18:00 diarrhea - despite not using mouth guard nor xylit powder. From treatment, with stomach palpation?

New JAMA-articles on fibromyalgia:
In reply to a meta-analysis published Oct20 (224 trials, almost 30.000 patients)

this comment and response were published Mar21:

Correct me, but the gist seems to me to be that

  1. meta-analysis of studies shows that there is small hard evidence that only CBT as well as antidepressants and central nervous system depressants may help a bit,
  2. whilst “stepped care”, a combination of things incl. meds (e.g. duloxetine plus pregabalin) do clinically seem more effective than single meds,
  3. but the meta-analytical research does not show this effectiveness.
    Also “interesting” :scream: that a comment under 1 by an MD from the Univ. of Utah insinuates that there is no real medical evidence that fibro is more than just ““pain” accompanying depression”! Would it be prejudiced to assume that this university is generally “old-fashioned”?