My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.
2021-11-10, Wednesday - ideal night: only up 3x (28’) - ideal day: supp-energy? - My %/1 has for the first time in 2 years improved to 100%/0 (in hindsight; tomorrow I’ll check that.)
(But remember: 25 supps, 1.5-2h/d of stretching etc. & 5h/wk acupressure)
Triggers & resulting Symptoms
SLEEP (click for details): 9h02, up 3x (28') ➔ Feeling 100%! well, Ache 0! of 7 ✅, ideal
No fw!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:10-
01:42 8’ 90%/1 p2-3 st2 drink4 fw4’
04:49 14’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink2 fw5’ windows, teeth
6:55 7’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink3 fw2’ QcRsSa2Sr
Sum: 1h50+7h40-(8+14+7=)28’ = 9h30- 28’ = 9h02, up 3x (28’)
ACTIVITIES ➔ ACHE: ➔ 100%/0, false start to a "very early" train (8:30) was premature, but managed the 8' sprint incl. running quite well... Second try (too cold to wait) was again with sprint, but that train was delayed 5', why not the first one? Murphy's Law...➔ 100%/0, despite 4h of mask-talking ✅, speed-cycling back, table tennis dead easy, zoom meetings longer than yesterday afternoon: 2h ➔ 100%/0 ✅✅
Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired ➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings, Grandchild, Work/Mask-talking, Socializing/Talking.
ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: Brilliant ✅✅, due to supps and regular short stretching, back while lying praps better, now it's cold and I wrapped my upper Continental quilt over AND under my torso, so maybe my back does need it softer after all. Funny that trying a softer topper had seemed too soft... 🧐. BTW I had esophagus blocks on 3 consecutive days over the weekend - something I'd hoped GABA had pretty much got rid of; massaging/vibrating still helping after 3-5' ❌. Pee pain is still better, but also not perfect yet. Mask-talking today about 4 of 5 work hours, plus 2x15' train, with no problems: That is definitely the new supps! (I'm guessing: mitochondrial/ATP/antioxidative ones)✅✅
Lying (feet?), standing, loins, sitting, arms up, neck stiffness 90°, stiffness after poses, walking, fast cycling, bladder 0xp1-2, GI, talking, mask-talking.
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy, plantar fasciitis (feet) after
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee, plantar fasciitis after
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.
Supps PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): Brilliant cocktail, or fluke?? ALC:2 , Arg57 , B30, GAB:1.8g(4), gin2, glu:1.2g(3),gly4 mal2 mum2, NAC:4, NADH2, P5P1, PF4. Q10:1, Qc1, Res1, Rho2, Rib.2g, Rs SAMe1 Se1, SRP:4 the2: .g, Zn1
Empty: ALC: , Arg , B3 , GAB:g(), gin , glu: .g(), gly mal, mum , NAC: .g(), NADH1, P5P, PF. Q10, Qc, Res, Rho, Rib Rs SAMe Se, SRP: the: .g, Zn
Tally yesterday’s!?
/20:05 (“19:00”) PF#1 0Ar2g#1 gly#1/mal1 P5P/2Rho/Se = “PfAr MlGly PuRoSe”
/21:15 (“21:00”) PF#2 .6 GABA&glu#1 (PF+.6GaGl Nc) = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:40 (“23:00”) PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 (PF+.3GaGl) = “PF+.3GaGlu/Ga”
/01:40 (“01:00”) PF#4 SRP1#+2 (PF+2S) “PF+Sr2”
/05:00 (“03:00”) mumijo#1+2 (teeth)
/06:55 (“06:30”) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, Srp#3 “QcRsSaSr”
/07:50 (“07:30”) ALC#1,Arg3g#2,.6gGAB#3,the2,gink#1,gly#2,.5g NAC#1,Zn=AlArGaThe GiGly n’AC/Z
/09:15 (“09:30”) 0ALC, gly#3 .5gNAC#2+ “g-A-leYNiC(S)” Galenic(s) AlGyNc + (NdSr if 0eat)
/11:10 (“11:00”) 0ALC mal#2 0.5gNAC#3 (NADH#1 SRP#4) AlMlNc(NdSr) (10th: + gly#4!) +.2gRib
ToGo B: 5xAl, 4xMl, 4xNc, 4Nd Q? & (S), ((Rib!!)) FILL? ToGoA was NAC (red-yel) gly mal Sr (+NADH)
/15:00 (“15:00”) ALC#2,Arg2g#3,.3gGA#4&glu#3,gink#2,0mal#3,0.5gNAC#4,NADH#2 Q10! SRP2x(#4+5?) (A.GaGl gi.malN. NQRS) “AlArg GiGaGle MlNNQ1Sr” (Q1:oil/Nd(Se))
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)
Amounts: ALC: 3 (1.5g) (4’s OK), Arg 3g(2/2) glyc/mal -6, NAC: 5 (2.4g), NADH 2x5mg (max. 35mg+(1800 inpatient)), Q10: .1gUbiquinol. Ribose 0.1g 1/4 tsp.: GI?
Not with meals, e.g. 11h, 15h: NADH, SAM-e?, resveratrol .5-1.5g, SRP -6, mumijo 4:00 (not meds either)
Jaw locally too: tea tree oil/calendula/myrrh, arnica, heat
“ToGo”-compartments for the 11:30-batch the next days:
A) ALC, B) Mg mal, C) NAC, D) NADH & (2xSRP); E) Rib separate with spoon.
Supps to CHANGE:
?- adding (esp. for lipids): arginine & niacin (B3) and
?- not ordering lecithin, or red yeast rice extract; phytosterols, others have better results von CVD.
?- checking: PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone), oxaloacetate;
?- sometime: ordering pectin. D3 with K2.
?(- someday: New doc for LDN?)
Supps to KEEP (Click for all supp details - being re-arranged): ALC, GABA, ginkgo, glutamine, glycinate, malate, mumijo, NAC, NADH, P5P, Passiflora, CoQ10, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Rhodiola, Ribose, Selenium, serrapeptase, theanine, zinc.
SLEEP: !GABA with glutamine, 01 !theanine, !Passiflora, P5P & Rho. (eve), SRP, not Mg gly
Passiflora 4x289mg. Less?
GABA 2x600mg: deeper, & 10 symptoms. (Rhodiola & P5P help.)
glutamine 1x500mg: GABA antagonist. (Day: stiffness??)
P5P & Rhodiola (serotonin/GABA)
“1:00” 2 SRP serrapeptase 2x10.000IU before? sleep (but 2h after last meal!)
theanine: relaxation & alertness, so effective & shorter sleep.
INFLAMMATION: mumijo, NAC, Rhodiola, Q10 e.g. for jaw, SRP, Zn, better teeth-cleaning & red light for jaw.
5:30 SRP & SAMe: serrapeptase 2x10.000IU (more?), SAM-e, zinc only if picolinate.
Zinc bisblycinate with breakfast. GP: Not too much.
gums/jaw locally/regularly: tea tree oil, calendula, arnica, myrrh, red heat lamp, teeth.
20:00 Rhodiola 2-3x200mg (serotonin (like P5P), BBB & bp, so with GABA; anti-inflamm.!)
4:00 mumijo. 2-3x200-300mg/d 30’ b4 meal, 20-30d. Then 10d without,´ then another 20-30d.
SAM-e 2h after meals 1x100mg (max. !): pain, stiffness, sfx: GI, bladder!, dry mouth!, sleep!, serotonin-seizures! SAMe/SAM-e - #11 by JayCS. Or was this GABA? Anti-inflammatory? (Bloods?)
WAKE/FOG: GABA/theanine, 2xMg, NAC, NADH, ALC, ginkgo
8:00 GABA & theanine
/ Mg glycinate & malate <6x!
/ NAC seems to work, try without gly or ALC
/ ALC worked well instead of NAC Oct 26th, try without gly or NAC
ACHE: !GABA, NAC, !NADH, magnesium malate, mumijo, omega 3, Q10, SAM-e, SRP
!NADH. Oct 26th even during TT.
Serrapeptase up to 8x or more?
mumijo for “pain”.
ENERGY/FATIGUE: !Ribose, !NADH, NAC, ?ALC, ?Q10, ?ginkgo
Ribose (-6x2.5g) muscle fatigue/ATP; but GI-sfx! (so 3x0.1g), No sugar allowed - #7 by Lynne.
NAC fatigue, anti-infl. -2400mg: NAC = N-acetylcysteine
NADH/NAD+: Serrapeptase & NADH/NAD+ - enzymes - #4 by JayCS B3-coenzyme for energy (ATP) & post exertional malaise: 2.5mg (5x0.5), watch out for overstimulation & jitteriness. best 30’ before meals, says sourcenaturals…
NADH: 5-20mg every morning at least ½ hour before eating, no acids 2-3h after says Teitelbaum acc. to prohealth
/ Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC)?: LC first? Alert brain, dose: 2x750mg, for no sfx keep under 3000. Question about kinds of pain | Page 2 | Fibromyalgia Forum. Better for physical fatigue: LC? PLC?
// Q10/CoQ10: PERHAPS: antioxidant, heart, energy, ATP, FM (& migraine), but probably not CFS: reduces pain, tenderness, fatigue, and sleep issues, possibly (orally) blood pressure, blood fats, blood flow & gums, taken for 3-6 months, 300-2x200mg/d or 200+200ginkgo for FM, ubiquinol, The nutrient CoQ10 200 mg a day - #3 by JayCS
// glycine? Alertness
Glutamine?: Low Dopamine in Fibromyalgia and CFS. Doesn’t work for me.
NOSTRILS STUFFY at night: Q10? Better since taking it…
tea tree oil (lavender not enough). “Breathe well” oils OK.
EVERYTHING: B12? Schüssler 2, 4 & 7
Vitamin B12: injections again.
// Schüssler 2, 4, & 7 (need 3-6 months sez my acupressurist).
ACID: !almonds
?Mumijo wasn’t working first: But heartburn/hungriness OK as of Nov 1st.
Bentonite?: Medicinal clay never stopped my gastric acidity in my twens, but is bentonite - or am I - different now? (= 95% Montmorillonite; zeolithe is OK too. IBSD & -C; not together with other supps… (ZdG))
RAYNAUD’S: Menthol locally, arginin (amino acid, 6-30g/d): sfx mainly skin, praps gut, overdose: fog. Helps blood flow as well as blood pressure
BLOOD FATS See “research-search today” on Nov 1st. Resveratrol (also ATP (Cort)),
ToDo: Next vitamin D3 with K2? That’s what a German expert blogger recommends. What was wrong with guaifenesin/Amand?
SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 106' ✅
Timing, AuTr 5’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), teeth 3x2’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 1+ 4’, twist-stretch 25’, loins 3’, foot on knee 12’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 3’, yoga 2’, V 6‘,
jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,
THERAPIES: Implementing relationship ideas further (not directly ones my psychologist suggested, but analog). And my wife has got her anger under control again for a time, but has also promised to work on it more. It's never me that's meant, but I always have to act as buffer, until she apologizes and feels bad when she comes to her senses again.
Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ? Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:
- Forgot to include in yesterday’s comment about when to take Q10 that as I had the feeling it was helping with my stuffy nose at night, so taking .3g CoQ10-ubiquinol now instead of 5x0.6g CoQ10-ubiquinone might not help as much and I’d be wanting to take it in the evening or better still at night. However taking it with NADH wdnt be sensible at night, as NADH creates a lot of energy and’d wake me up… Tonight the nostrils were free, maybe late CoQ10 or airing in between.
- At the moment I’m concentrating on getting the (10) new batches sorted clearer, here & in my head.
- I’ll be adding the costs and the amounts (order-times) to the spreadsheet.
Research-search today: Only a bit on Alpha lipoic (as opposed to linolenic) acid, both ALA, which I can’t find any scientific evidence for it helping the mitochondria: aren’t people taking it confusing the two?
Lessons in self-care #118 Work’s already reached 11h, that’s my week’s limit, so: take it slow!
Reasons to be cheerful #124 Wow, what an unbelievably normal energetic day: Supps!(?)
- My “How to symptom track & trigger hunt”
- Next up…: Oct-Summary (& add to blog-summary); finishing off the treatment list…
Abbreviations & explanations
Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.
Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments
My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.
TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD
’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.
SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i
slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.
ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.
SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)
The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “/” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache cold fast shower “”
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
“V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
twist-stretching more for the loins
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