Hi rosebud - the glucosamine contained in the gel is something contained in cartilage, it has a little bit of evidence for praps helping osteoarthritis etc. and eucalyptus & rosemary help pain, inflammation & are soothing. Great that it helps.
Simplifying things is important, but remember not too much, we do need activity as a little exercise.
Painful arms really are a pain,
I know. As well as the mouse on your lap praps a small table (or cardbox(es) or something as a makeshift) might be a good or even better idea.
My idea for eating would be similar. In hospitals/clinics the pull out “tables” are higher, similarly at home bed tray tables/breakfast tables with legs might help everywhere. I use pretty tissue boxes similarly to make things (laptop, trays) higher and leave a space in the middle.
That can be medium high, but also higher.
The way I’ve heard the Chinese really eat rice etc. with chopsticks cd help too, holding the bowl to the mouth and then shoving the rice in with the chopsticks. You could chop up your food first, then move the plate or bowl to your mouth once, rest your elbows on something, the table or a tray table on it etc. and then just move your fingers, not your arms.
I understand the problem with the walker, similar on my bike. Praps the height of the handles can be changed? Or some device can be fixed on to them so you can vary the position of your hands & arms? I need my handlebars fairly low and way out, for my back, but too low increases the strain on them…
Simplify means generally getting everything nearer to where you need it, i.e. organizing everything in kitchen, the whole place so that everything necessary is near to where you will use it, similar things near to one another. Every time we move more than 2 or 3 times we could think about how to simplify by reducing the movement. But when we are well, movement is often good, if it is not too one-sided. When we are not well we can’t do so much, but whenever possible we can try to use the time for planning simplification.
This is a good thread we had on that topic in January, btw…
Seenie was going to “pin it to the top”, I can’t see if it at the top of anything tho