Aloe gel

Hi not bin on for a while but last i was on i was considering starting the forever aloe drink and supplemt for joint pain and my tiredness was warey coz ive been on so much meds i should of been rattling when i walked im now of my pain meds on amatriptyln still for my nerves ftpm my m.e and hypermobility syndrome bit ive had really good results wiv this my normal daily naps are gone im in bed early dont get me wrong but i just feel cleaner healther and feel like ive got a bit of me back i thourt id share this if sumone else is clutching at straws like i was then its a bit of info xx

Hello Zoe,

Thanks for that bit of info, and glad this has worked for you. i am increasingly thinking all these meds do not always help us, so that is a good thing if you have been able to cut down, with Docs help of course. I myself am actually coming off amitriptylene, but I know many people find it helpful. It is whatever works for you.

Take care, Anne

Hi Zoe,

Thanks for sharing what has worked for you! : ) I know we are all eager to research and try new things that may help ease our pain and improve our quality of life.

Many hugs,
