Positive day!

I have to say after being in bed totally for a few days feels great I’am able to get up and move around why because I went to my doctor in a wheel chair and told them until they find a medicine that’s gonna help me long term because cymbalta,pain meds ,the amount of ibuprofen I take a day is off the chart plus all meds I take for migraines I told them they need to listen to me put me back on the steroids to get over this flare up.I know can’t be on it every day but this helps put me on it for ten days well they did I’am not pain free but I can get up move around some and play with my grand baby’s that we have custody of and for this I’am so thankful hope your all having a positive day and I been praying four and five times a day and see God working I thank you all for all your feed back on my last post and thank you all for your care and hope I’am comforting to you all BIG SOFT HUGS TO YOU ALL MY GOD HELP US ALL WITH OUR PAIN FATIGUE AND AND OUR OTHER ILLNESS SENDING HUGS AND POSITIVE ENERGY TO YOU ALL MEL


Hello Mel

It's great to hear that you are having a good day today. Sometimes one just has to spend a few days in bed to get recharged. Then you are able to move around and deal more positively with the day. Even when you are not taking the steroids if you can spend a day or two in bed now and again hopefully you can get recharged.

Love and hugs


Glad to see you are doing better!!

Hello sweet Mel,

So nice to hear from you!

Girlfriend, I understand about needing 'off the charts' doses of Ibuprofen'! Of all the meds I take that help me, this type (NSAIDs) helps me the most. It's the only thing that really does help with joint and bone pain, but my Internist, and especially my Rheumatologist really got on me about it. I take Daypro (Oxaprozin) and had been taking at least three 800 mg tabs a day, but the limit is only two. I have to constantly have fasting blood work, and it is because of this type of drug and the dangerous, irreversible damage they can do to us. So my liver and kidneys are constantly monitored, even though I am back to the recommended dose, and do not exceed it. My Rheum told me to take more morphine and less Daypro! I know, last thing you would ever expect to hear!



has also helped me cut back on the NSAIDS, he prescribes the 4 mg, Now that's a pretty hefty does to start with, but the 2 mg doesn't do much for you if it's a bad day, and you can always break them in half, if it's not such a bad day. So perhaps a muscle relaxant such as this may help! Worth asking your Physician about!

Please be careful with the Prednisone as well, there are SO MANY strong and lasting side affects from this too!


I know how difficult it is to cut back on the very meds that help you the most, but sometimes you have to consider the long term affects.

Mel, you know I'm not a Doctor, and I certainly don't know everything, just trying to share some of the sound advice and wisdom that my Doctors have shared with me!

So glad you are having a good day and are back on the boards!

Sending love and hugs to you,


Hi Mel! Wow, that was an act of courage from a clearly desperate woman. Thank God the doctor listened to you! I really feel that I want to weep over this news (ok maybe I'm pre-menstral?) because it's so wonderful to think of someone getting some real improvement from this STINKY ROTTEN AWFUL illness (are you listening, fibro?), even if it's not long term. Relief from fibro. Woo hoo! Party time! (I'm easy to amuse these days, sitting around all day listening to the ugly world news and getting some relief from listening to your good news.)

Bless you, sweetie. I'm so glad you feel some better and hope it lasts quite a while. SOME DAY there will either a cure or a med that we take that tames this nasty beast called fibro.



Way to open Doc's eyes Ms. Mel!

So glad you're doing well on the steroids...I always do too. They make me wait 6 mos. in between and I usually have a flare or two in between but for that one...I'm stylin!

Be sweet to yourself Mel! Happy for you!

Always~Laurel aka Northwoods G-Ma