Neck pain

what is a tens unit L kitty? im very new to this and i dont have insurance or anything but i do have an ssi hearing the 19th im soooooooooooo hoping after 6 years they finally approve me but after the last hearing i have my doubts once again

I would not be able to describe it very well, but the first web site will. I'm also sending a link to how to purchase one if you want to. I'm using one today. I've had it over 10 years, since a bad car accident. I think they do help with the muscle spasms and reduce the pain. Might be worth looking in to. Mine was prescribed by my doctor through the physical therapist. You want to talk to your doc about it first, but I think they are pretty widely used.

Good luck on your hearing. Try to think positive about it and don't worry because that adds to our pain. I'm cheering for you! I know it adds peace of mind to have it over and done.

Will say an extra prayer for you that it finally comes through! A tens unit is a small battery operated unit that you can attach to your pants or put in a pocket that is hooked up to electrodes that have pads with a sticky gel that you put on painful areas. It somehow makes your brain stop thinking you have pain and has multiple settings depending on where you place the pads. I use mine primarily on my low back and my trapezius muscles or shoulders. I can’t use it’s when I’m flaring, as the stimulation is too overwhelming, but does help at other times. I want to get the newest kind that helps breakup the knotted muscle tissue, as well.
I bought my thermacare patches this weekend at Walmart and for 3 pads in a pack cost $4. And it stayed real warm on my neck all day! I now put a pack in my car and desk drawer too.

Thank you, Sandi. I couldn't quite describe it. It is very good for my neck and the rest of my aching back. I'll get some thermacare patches too!

Make sure this is on your list for the Dr tomorrow!

Hi River! I had severe neck pain that would radiate down my hand and up my head and shoulders and what not. I finally saw a physiotherapist who taught me the Mckenzie techniques and also corrected my posture. ( I was very skeptical when I started - but after two months of REGULAR neck exercises - the pain has drastically come down. I used to gulp down pills for my headache - now I do the simple retractions my physio taught me. I also do some of these exercises for my lower back - and they really work.

I don't claim to be pain free now - but what used to be 100 on a ten point scale is now a manageable 7.

Hope this helps!

My neck and shoulder area causes me the most pain also. I use a hand held massager, which helps a little, but usually it is extremely painful. I will try the heating pads. Thanks