New meds...wish me luck!

So I visited with my rheumatologist today and we decided to change my meds. Instead of taking lyrica and ibuprofen I'm going to try gabapentin and meloxicam. Anyone have any experience with either of those? He also wants me to go back to pain management, but that is so difficult with work. I guess that my hmo changed it and now it's 2X per week, 3 hours per day...tough to get time off with that. I still can't get ahold of my @#$%^&* psych, who I really need to talk to. My rheumatologist even called him. Arrgh!

I was on Gabapentin and it did nothing for me. I just started Lyrica and I’m on my 3rd week. Still in pain. Not sure what is next.

Never tried meloxicam.

Good luck. Not sure how you are coping working with so much.


I currently take Gabapentin. I started really low dose as I was worried about feeling loopy / sedated and that it would interfere with work. I very gradually have increased my dose to the max I am going, 300mg three times a day. I haven't really seen any reduction in pain symptoms / neuropathy symptoms BUT it definitely has helped with Fibro fog for me. My head definitely feels clearer most of the time. Which is ironic as I was worried about the opposite effect. The thing with Fibro is that no 2 people are going to have the same experience with medication. While it might help clear the fog for me, I have read on here many other people who have said it made the fog worse. Are you tapering down off the lyrica slowly before starting the gabapentin? If you psych isn't responsive it sounds like it is time to search for a new one. Please keep us updated. Hugs.

I'm on both!

I take Meloxicam for inflammation in my joints, and it REALLY helps. When I run out or forget to take it, my knees don't want to work (and I have two flights of stairs in my house). I've been on it for almost a year.

The Gabapentin I just started a few weeks ago. At first, I thought it was really helping, but now I don't feel like it's doing anything. I'm only at the starter dose, so when I see my doctor next time, I'll be increasing the dosage. It doesn't help my bad pain days at all - and I'm not sure if the fog is any better... but it's the only medication that isn't contraindicated with my other meds...

Like Auburmn said, it is different with every person. Let us know how you're doing with it.
