Peripheral Neuropathy

I have been diagnosed with fibro and reynauds. Just diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. The doctor sent me to have tests to find out what is causing the neuropathy. I am not a diabetic. So i was wondering, does anyone have info what other causes of peripheral neuropathy are?



Hi kallee,

I have Raynaud's Phenomenon, it's circulatory, mainly affecting the hands and feet, but can also bother the nose and ears.

Here is something they are experimenting with that sounds promising. I am given a vasodilator to take as needed, but this may work even better. Well, it would not allow me to cut and paste, but they are using a nitroglycerin cream for Raynaud's and it is working, just not on the market yet.

Here are causes of peripheral neuropathy, you may want to talk to your Dr to get more information of the cause of yours. I know that these diagnoses are never good news, but they are a step to getting a firm diagnosis and getting the right treatment and hopefully substantial relief.

Sorry it took so long, I just happened to notice your post tonight. Hope you are well. We have a subgroup, I invite you to join, there are 12 of us so far, the site has very good information on Raynaud's Disease and Raynaud's phenomenon.

Hi kallee,

Peripheral Neuropathy can be caused by a lot of different things, as SK has linked. Unfortunately, it is a common symptom of Fibromyalgia. I have it from nerve damage in my spine, on top of whatever Fibromyalgia contributes--no diabetes either. Check out the Raynaud's group, they have a lot of information to help with that too!


Hi Kallee, I have Raynauds & peripheral neuropathy, my dr said it was most likely from fibro, mine seems to come and go, I do have burning in my feet, but not all the time. I tried Gabapentin & Lyrica but was allergic to both… Ugh
I’m not diabetic either, thank god ! Don’t need that !!
Hugs & blessings

BTW, I'm not diabetic either, my neuropathy is related to my spinal cord, from illness and injury! Now my husband is diabetic, and lost most of the feeling in his feet, so I went through all of my books on herbs and natural healing, I gave him evening primrose oil, CO10 and liquid Vitamin B12, and it worked like a charm, I also talked to my Chriropractor, they have knowledge of vitamins like a primary care physician has knowledge of meds.

Always speak to your Dr before taking any supplements.