
I’ve had this for awhile at first my boobs would hurt super bad then I’d be super tired. This had went on for yrs,now its all different I throw up ,migraines for days,bathroom issues,food issues,but most of all the crippling pain my flair up started Friday and I’m still super sore threw up last nite,I did soak for an hr in the tub. How long do theses flairs last for? I’m in pain everyday but this just hit a new level! I try to be happy my co workers Dont know I’m sick I joke and say old age. If you have great tips I’m all ears I’ll try anything but drugs I want to do this drug free for as long as I can stand it. I tried the paxil didn’t like the mask feeling.

Hi, Bonnie.

I am sorry you’re feeling so ill. Flares are each individual and so, I can’t really give you a timeframe. But, keeping your stress down and taking good care of yourself in the middle of a flare is really important. Get your sleep, pace yourself and eat healthy. I also feel some relief from epsom salt baths… If any of your symptoms are new or peculiar you may want to check in with your doctor to be sure they aren’t caused by something else. If you’re seeking alternative therapies, there is a Mindfulness group here as well as a discussion category on Complementary Therapies. Hope your flare passes soon. Please keep us updated.



Thank you Laurie this was bad one I’m up and moving now started taking B-12 ,Longer soaks in the tub ,cut out soda,and now I’m cooking hopefully this will help still sore swollen but I’m out of bed the pacing myself I need to work on that! But thank you

Hi Bonnie,

I was wondering how you are doing today? Any relief? I agree with Laurie in talking to the doctor if these are new symptoms or more intense symptoms. Sending you hugs and hoping you are feeling better.

Thank you so much! Wish I had better news I had to call my parents to pick me up from work (I know I’m grown) but everyone else was at work . I started getting super dizzy,nausea, then that pain you know from the top of the shoulder down deep burning,stabbing . came home slept thinking its a bad migraine coming on. Got some nausea medication but soon after in the bathroom sicker than a dog. I’m going to have to start FMLA I’ve been missing so much work I’m up to 10 points out of 12 borderline being fired. It would be nice to have a normal day maybe tommaro