What kind of doc do you think is best?

I need to go to the doc but my regular GP has had to leave the service and I have never seen her partner fro my fibro before. Also I am worried they might just pass me off, so what in your experience has seamed to be the best type of doc that you've had?

A Rheumatologist is who I go to for my fibromyalgia. They treat all types of Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and related issues. You still need a PCP (Primary Care Physician) or GP for general issues but Rheumatologists are usually more familiar with fibro and such. Usually you can look on your local hospitals web site for a list of doctors with different specialties. You can also Google for a list of local Rheumatologists that treat fibromyalgia.Tell the one you go to that you were diagnosed with fibromyalgia so they know that a doctor has already examined you for it. They will probably confirm the diagnosis and ask what treatment you were already receiving. That's what mine did. Then she adjusted my meds because she didn't think I was on enough gabapentin an she added Cymbalta which helped me a lot. Hope things work out well for you.

A rheumatologist.

I've found my pain management doctor to be the best. I got nowhere with any of the rhematologists I've seen in the past unfortunately. They may be more familiar with fibro but seem to get frustrated that they can do little to help except to try to relieve the pain. I would love to find one that's actually interested!!!

I see a Rheumatologist...whatever type of Dr you do decide to see just make sure they listen to you and don't pass you off. Good luck to you!!

I'm in SE MI too, Nan! In White Lake near Waterford. I see Dr. Kozlowski in Milford. She's awesome.

Susan W

Hello Rebecca,

Who your best Doctor will be is a decision that you will have to make, but most of us have both a GP and a Rheumatologist, you will need a GP for things a Rheum will not see you for, so doesn't hurt to have both in your corner. You owe it to yourself to at least see the new GP, and can get a referral from them for a Rheum, keeping them both.

If not for my GP, I would never have made it to the RIGHT Rheumatologist, those two along with my Chiropractor are just the best, would never give any of them up!

Hope you find some relief!



From WIkipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibromyalgia#Treatment

Dear Rebecca,

On further thinking this, I should say that even though my GP, same as a PCP, could take care of me, and I have asked him to do so, he still feels that even after the Rheum took it into another phase of diagnisis, there is still more of a diagnosis to come as far as the Autoimmune diseases go, so I go to both. I don't have to choose.

Fibro is a condition caused by chronic pain, caused by a disease. To treat the pain, you must find and treat the disease. What is the disease, and how many are there? If they are Autoimmune, those diseases come in groups, and are degenerative, meaning they eat bone and joint, some of the new meds slow the progression of such damage.

If you get a bad cold, you will need a GP, a Rheum or a Pain specialists will most likely not see you for that, nor will they keep up with drug interactions the way a GP will.

This is not meant as being argumentative toward anyone's opinion, just things I have learned, I have probably been to close to 50 Doctors in 7 years to figure why I couldn't get over a car accident. University hospitals are included.

I wish us all well!


My feeling are that you need at least two good doctors and they are hard to find one is your primary care and the othher is a rheumatologist it is not always the first one you see it takes time to find ones that will take the time to work with you and keep up with all the drugs and the interactions, sometimes the doctors will miss the interactions I have actually had my pharmacists tell me of a drug interaction, so they are also good people to become friendly with and stay with the same paharmacy I have been with my pharmacy for about ten years that is longer than one of my doctors. Keep trying till you find the right doctors with the right medications, make sure every doctor keeps the others in the loop as to tests, results and medications that you are taking. Good luck. Hugs, kisses and prayers


My dad is a GP and he's told me that fibro is becoming better known among all doctors. As to what doctor you should see, it isn't so much whether the doctor is a GP, a Rheumatologist or whatever more what kind of person the doctor is. My sister has a neurological disease, but was having the "it's all phychological" attitude from several doctors, including neurologists. It was actually my own Vascular Medicine consultant who took on her case as a favour to my dad, and started giving her proper medical care. You also need to have a GP for other health issues.

In General Practice, it is common to share information on patients, especially those with serious and/or rare conditions. It is very likely that the partner already knows all about fibro, will have read your notes and have been given a lot of information by your former GP before she left. Many GPs are very interested in the more unusual cases, as it gives them the opportunity to gain experience and see something a little different. As long as he is the kind of person who will take that on board and is someone you can get along with, you have nothing to worry about.

Good luck!

i agree with both starsmurf and SK because I feel like I have searched forever to find out what was going on with me. I know it's more than fibromyalgia. We all have to be advocates for ourselves though. It was an Orthopedic surgeon who told me that he thought I might have an underlying condition because my Osteoarthritis is too severe and in too many places for someone my age. I turned 46 in March but was diagnosed with the OA in 2008. Because he said that, and because something popped up that looked intriguing while I was surfing online, I am going to ask my Dr's to look into Ehler Danlos Syndrome. That's a genetic connective tissue disorder that not a lot of dr's know much about. It's supposed to be "rare" but I think it just may be that not enough know to have it checked out.

I'm double jointed, and this is one of the main symptoms of EDS. The more official word for it is hypermobility. According to the sites I've read on it so far the joint and pain issues with EDS cause some to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. There are several types of EDS and they can test for some of them with genetic testing as they have isolated the genes.The main issue is that the defective genes cause the body not to produce collagen correctly. Collagen is the "glue" that holds us together.

My rheumatologist is also an internal medicine doctor and a DO, so she's interested in all kinds of things. I see her on the 29th and I'm taking one of the articles about EDS and going to highlight all of the symptoms I have of it and hope she will look into the possibility. I can post a couple links and or a list of the main symptoms if anyone is interested.

Thanks Everyone for all the advice. I am planning on calling my GP tomarrow to make an apt, so I guess we'll see where it goes from there. Thanks again

A team of doctors to include a GP, Rheumatologist and Pain Management. If you can find ONE good doc he or she can connect you with your team. It takes a long time IMO to find the right fit but it’s worth the effort. There are websites that list docs by state. Have you looked at any of those lists?

Also a psychiatrist if you’re feeling depressed and a neurologist especially if you have migraines. Sorry my cut and pasting job is pretty poor. :slight_smile:

Hello Waterwaves,

If you check under 'does anyone have Raynaud's or Sjogren's?' we were discussing EDS.

I know that many of the expensive, exclusive, spa-like health facilities, give collagen injections, into the tendons and lagaments.

I wish you well with all.


I mostly see my neurologist for any chronic pain issues. FM, TGN, Chronic Migraines, insomnia, Carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome. Rheumatologists usually put patients on steroids and I react badly to them. I'm faithful to him. I've been seeing him about 13 years. I know It's late, but has anyone laughed today? Feel good everyone!!!

Most of the insurance companies need for you to have a Primary Care doctor and then referrals to various specialists. I find most of the time that person is who they played golf with last week and not always the best choice. We have a number of problems in our bodies with this syndrome. Most importantly, I would check the ads, the internet, the groups and see who says they treat fibromyalgia and how. One girl asked this months ago and I hunted for her, don't rememer where and the doctor I found intrigued me so much I wish I could go to him.

My first specialist would be a neurologist. The nerve endings in your body are not content and they need to do the best they can to fix them.

Secondly, a Rheumatologist, we have the wrong recipe in our connective tissues. A good rheumatologist that works with Fibromyalgia is up to date on all treatments and therapies that might help you. Check them out well !

Waterswave said their Rheumy was also an Internist (more school) and a D.O. MY choice for sure. They don't always look at your body through a Prescription pad.

I agree with an Endocrinologist, hard to find openings and not always willing to give referrals. But your Thyroid hormone in your body is not working like it should. Overlapping illnesses with Fibro often have a lot to do with the Endocrine system, so I believe in this specialist greatly.

IF your PC or you can ask allows you to have any physical therapy, aqua therapy or pain center... request it, Any of these can be eliminated when not needed but nice to have the referrals.

And, for me, a Chiropractor... he's my best friend. Well she... its a lady here.

Just my thoughts. "HOP"

Hi waterwaves,

I'm awaiting the results of my genetic testing, which includes testing for EDS. I can't find any evidence that injections of collagen into the joints would help EDS patients. If you are female, make sure that the doctor knows that EDS can be much milder in females, because of the second X chromosone. I had that problem with the geneticist, so I hope that he will test for all types of EDS, as I don't think I could get a second round of testing.

Thanks SK, I looked but can't find that discussion, do you have a link to it please? I'm not willing to try any injections because I can't afford them and I've had cortisone shots for the Osteoarthritis. Those were a disaster. The room spun immediately. Before I could get out that something was wrong, the Dr. injected the second knee and I threw up on him and saw stars. I was a hair away from passing out. So I don't want any injections even if I could afford them lol. I would like to see the discussion about EDS though. I found a community for that but since there are only 3 members so far, it doesn't have much activity. I'm not positive on that diagnosis yet anyway. My rheumatologist diagnosed me with firbro but I have to ask her about the EDS yet.

Sorry Waterwaves, I forget that I am now going between 3 groups! Now I understand why my GP first diagnosed me as "overlap syndrome'.

Under the group 'Psoriatic Arthritis' and the discussion 'does anyone have Raynauds or Sjogrens besides PsA? You will see my discussion with Byrd Feeder who mentions EDS, she is very smart.

Yes, I know all about the shots, for any help they did do me, they did me much more harm. I don't do anything invasive anymore, just crashed me!