- I’d need to hyperlink the items of a A. symptom-list to a B. trigger-list and a C. treatment-list, systematical one each, then D. an alphabetical register as pointer. (Pinpointing & alleviating triggers is a form of preventative treatment.) Each item wd link to a description with explanation plus personal experiences, containing hyper-links.
- I’d need to be able to ‘hide details’ like in normal posts.
- To find ‘only the best’ resources quickly, like a great youtube-video about IBS-foods to avoid.
- Pointers wd of course always be careful, balanced, neutral, with disclaimers, medical and otherwise, plus a balance of ‘cd. be fms’, ‘cd. be x’, ‘cd be sth. else’, ‘check with your doc’ as regards symptoms, similar for triggers/treatments.
Evidence-based? - for fibro?!
Healthline has labelled the article Plant Paradox Diet with "“Evidence based”: What Is the Plant Paradox Diet, and Does It Work?. What the label here means is not that the treatment is evidence based, but that it is considered from a neutral, critical and not missionary point of view. That’s agreed…
***Trying to get a feeling for sub-sections, categories etc...***
(Not sure if these are helpful) As one type of category starting point I’ll perhaps develop Rachel Lynch’s categories of ?treatments/triggers/symptoms (in A. she mixes symptoms and body parts, in B she mixes treatments with triggers and in C she takes emotional to also mean psychological and cognitive):
A. “Mechanical” - “physio”
B. “Biochemical” - diet, toxins, pills: meds/herbs/supps
C. “Emotional” - self-care, CBT, letting go, sleep hygiene.
Something general above a section about triggers → Pinpointing (= cognitive/mind, sort of C) ← → Diary-types (which wd also be part of a general section about symptoms as well as treatments)
a. Hypotheses about how fibromyalgia generally comes about is one thing (CSS (central sensitization/sensitivity syndrome), AI (autoimmune), ATP/mitochondria, SFN = small fibre neuropathy, cytokines (cf. FM/a test), neuroinflammation),
b. long term ‘causes’ like (psy. trauma, stress (biochemical:) toxins and ? genes (or is that not biological/biochemical but socio-psychological?) another, and
c. direct short-term day to day triggers.
Not sure if a is “pathogenesis”, or just b?
Seems as if these 3 types of causes cd all just belong in the “(Cause?/)Trigger”-section.
… to be continued…