A little about me

Hello everyone! My name is Jaclyn and I am 35 years old. I was diagnosis with Fibromyalgia in October 2012. However, my problems began very early I guess around 8 or 9 years old. I started out with abdominal/gastric issues which doctors labeled as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I also diagnosised with Endometriosis around 13 or so. I also have anxiety and migraines. It took me what felt like forever to get someone to actually listen to me. I work for a pediatric doctor and it is a struggle to get up every morning to come to work. On top of recently being diagnosised with Fibromyalgia I was also recently diagnosised with Cervical Spinal Stenosis. I have shed many tears over the last several months and years trying to get someone to listen to me. I have been told multiple times to "Just deal with it", "Get over it" and "Suck it up". I have even been told that I am not in a much pain as I "claim" I am in. I am a pretty shy and quiet person. I was just put on medication in December (yesterday) for my fibromyalgia so hopefully things will slowly start improving for me. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Hi I am new as well and learning,I got told 4 months ago. I am 31 and got told I had, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Chronic irritable bowels and another condition I cant spell ha. It was all due to the doctors giving me wrong tablets and over dosed me, I cant teach anymore or drive and need constant care, Its a good job I got amazing children,partner and family cause people without this must really find it hard My youngest is special needs aged 7 years and I got 2 other boys aged 10 and 13 years., This site is lovely and some brill people on here. Take care and stay in touch xxxxxx

People with out our conditions have not got a clue how it feels every day. xx

Thats a lovely picture x

Welcome Pretty Lady! We are all ears!

So sorry you have had to put up with such crap. You did not mention what meds you are on. Welcome to the group Pretty Lady. Hope you get some relief.

Hello Jaclyn, some people are so insensitive! You have to learn to "ignore" those ones. Your early problems sound like mine, except I was 13 and they told my mother I had bad nerves. After I got married I had a normal pregnancy, followed by 5 miscarriages. What medication did they put you on? I hope it helps :)

Hi Pretty Lady and welcome to the group. Everyone here has similar experiences so you need never feel alone, not understood or unable to 'vent'. You can also get great advice and information on every aspect of living with fibro and related illnesses so don't be shy to ask. I come to the site most days to read the blogs and see what is happening to fibros around the world (I live in Australia). I'm so glad I found this group and I know you will be too.

Gentle hugs


I’m so sorry everyone my nerves just get the best of me and I don’t feel people would like to hear what I have to say since people say I whine. I have been on Mobic and Robaxcin for about 6 months I was just put on Lyrica. So we will see what the outcome will be. It may be my imagination playing tricks but I think I feel a lot better the past couples days. The true test will be this week. I have to work 12 days in a row before I get a day off. Thanks again for listening to a country girls story. God bless you all.

Hi Jaclyn, and welcome and God bless you too :) Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself; it's always nice to get to know more folks on here, and to let them know that they are not alone in this battle. I've had fibro, IBS, depression for about a year, although my symptoms started at various times past. I am a mom of 4 (ages 24, 19, 13 and 4) and onto my 2nd marriage. I'm with a great guy who has his own share of ailments, so he understands my plight; my 1st husband was pretty much a jerk and could care less, as long as dinner was ready and everything else was taken care of...many people we know think that my ex gave me the fibro (ha, ha), but who knows? Anyhow, glad you joined us here; all the best to you!

Hi Pretty Lady,

Thanks for the message, I have returned one to you.

We are very pleased that you have joined us and are glad that you posted.

Hope you are seeing a good Rheumatologist, and getting the care you deserve! They really are the Drs of choice for us in my humble opinion!

Big hugs,


Spinal stenosis is very painful, it is hard not to complain about this, Pretty Lady. People have not idea what it entails. Perhaps you should kindly ask them if they know the actual definition. It may change the way they react.

I am so very sorry that you must also go through this. There are so many of us who get this kind of reaction from well people, even some who are close enough to you who should attempt to understand.

Just know that we are here for you. I understand, and I am not the only one here who suffers this.

I send you a big hug, will talk anytime!


BTW, you can go to the 'discussion' page, use the search engine at the top left and bring up pages of discussions on spinal stenosis. You are not alone, Pretty Lady!

Welcome Pretty Lady, thankyou for sharing a bit about yourself, oh how I hope that Lyrica helps you get through your 12 day stretch !!! All i can say is WOW !!!
I’m so sorry you have had such a hard time getting someone to listen to you… I think perhaps that is changing, at least it’s going in the right direction … I think dr’s are finally starting to see there is a real problem
I pray for a cure…or at least a better understanding of what the heck is happening to our body’s
God bless & please keep sharing with us … Thankyou

For those unfamiliar with spinal stenosis:


Hello Jacklyn and welcome! I'm rather floored and flabbergasted by people telling you to "get over it," "deal with it," or "suck it up"!!!!! Really??? Are they serious? You have at least FIVE extremely painful medical issues going on. FIVE!!! I know that one of our members has spinal stenosis and she tells us that the pain is incredible. All that I can say is that ignorance is bliss as far as they are concerned, but poor you. You have come to the right place, though. We all suffer from chronic pain from fibro and many of the people on here also have pain from other sources as well. And, best of all, we're willing to listen to you and BELIEVE you. Yes, you ARE in pain. A lot of it. And you DO have a right to be upset about it and about dealing with it.

I'm so glad that you've found a doctor who listens to you. I hope that the meds help you. Some of us do need to try several things before we find a med that helps with the pain, so be patient if the first time isn't the charm.

God bless you too, as well as everyone else on here. We certainly need the help.

Warm hugs to you with a real dose of believing,

Petunia Girl

How are you Pretty Lady, how is your neck these days?