Add friends?

I have been using this site for a few weeks now & I have sent out some friend request and received a couple but not many at all. I would like to connect with people that may be dealing with the same issues as I am and support them and have support as well.. I don't know if I am going about it wrong or what?? Any suggestions as to how to connect with people on here?

same here, maybe I am doing something wrong..let me hear from you.

I have been on here for a few weeks now and I would also like to have friends that I can build a support system with. I will friend both of you so we can support each other.

Thank you both! I appreciate it very much. One can never have too many friends and support foundation.

I was wondering the same thing. I've had only 1 friend request and I was hoping for much more. You can friend me if you like!

I wouldnt worry about it to much, I have been a member for a few months , I have meet some amazing people. This Wonderful support group has helped me in so many ways. The way I have made friends on this support group is by going to the chat room and talk to people and if I feel a connection I send out a friend request.

Another thing is that some people including me dont always log in daily.

Hugs!!! Welcome to the support group.

its hard to connect with some people when they don't understand how you are feeling. sometimes I have to say "I cant go or I cant do this" and they dont understand I have always been going out of my way helping everyone. Now I am limited , cant even drive my car.

Is anyone else having this problem

Hi clarah! I think you're doing everything right! More people read the discussions than the blogs, but through posting discussions, responding to other's posts, getting on chat once in a while, all are the way to meet people! I try to take turns on featuring different people's discussions so that everyone gets responses from people. Some members have limited time here and just stick to the featured and broadcasted posts.

Keep trying, don't get discouraged, I'm sure any one here would be very pleased to be your friend! You're an amazing lady, and I feel we are all very fortunate to have you with us! Glad I grabbed you right away! ha!

I think this will help you tremendously!

Wishing you well,