Another sleepless night due to Restless leg syndrome and fibro pain. On the good side, its great to be able to have a place to come to, to talk to others who understand, and if no one else is awake, to type my thoughts! My little build a bear Shelby is getting a break! Sometimes teddy bears are good to talk too when we don't have anyone else. And, they are definately good for hugging! I have chemo drugs to take this morning for the Behcets disease I have. Nothing is good. Nothing. Hard to cope without sleep. Makes the fibro pain worse, the fibro fog worse, the depression worse. I get so annoyed when I take my restless leg meds (which generally works well) and it decides not to work! I feel like when that happens, I'm up a creek without a paddle. Cause if I can't get my legs to settle down, then I most likely can't get the rest of me to settle down. Anyway, sorry to be complaining already, since I'm new here. I just want to say thank you and that I feel blessed that God led me to this site. It's great to know that I now have a place to go to where other's understand! Thank you for listening.
Good Morning Shynsweet, Sorry those legs are keeping you up and I can relate to your pain there. I have nights when I stomp around the house, take several hot baths, pound on my legs and cry... I take mirapex and my doctor just raised my dose from .5 to1. and it has helped alot. By the way you came to the right place to complain and vent. There is always someone here to listen lol. We are all in the same boat, maybe not as bad but we do understand one another. I hope you get some sleep. Gentle hugs, Robin
I am truly sorry about your sleepless nights. It can take such a toll on you.. I also suffer from restless leg so I hear ya!!! I am gonna have to look up Behcets cause I have never come across this. I am sending my feel good thoughts for you today.. Big Hugs Lisa
Hi, I'm sorry you had a bad night. If you don't mind me asking what is Behcets? Just curious, never heard of it before. Good luck with the chemo treatment, Ive heard they're not nice. Hope your day gets better, hugs Charlie :) Almost forgot, lol. When my legs are restless, I get close to a wall, or on the couch, and put my legs up. I know this sounds weird, but it works for me. Put your legs up as straight as you can. Try it, can't hurt.
Hi Charlie, I just remembered something my Mom had told me to do when my legs were bad and it did help. Take a few large sips of Quinine water or Tonic water with Quinine. It's not the best taste but well worth no pain in the legs. Hugs, Robin