I had this in my right breast in 2011 and they removed the milk ducts. I am now having it from my right. They did a mammo, and ductogram and saw nothing. They just sent me to get MRI's of both breasts. My breasts are always severely painful. Anyone else have this???
Okay, I heard back from my doctor's office. I only heard Friday, so, I don't have all the details. I know I have to have surgery again. Sounds like an intraductal papiloma. They had to go remove the ducts in my right breast when this happened. I think that is what is happening...but, have not talked to the surgeon yet. I guess that can happen with fibrocystic breasts . It only happens to like 3% of people. I will let you all know when I hear from the surgeon.
Oh Jacqui, God no! I'm so sorry that you are. My sis had it several years ago and was tested and tested, with no problems found, so I'm hoping that for you. It shows that no all cases are problematic, in fact, probably only a small proportion of the are. Try to hold onto some positive thoughts as you go through this, because in all likelihood it is nothing.
Very gentle hugs, avoiding your nipples,
PS: Just read your update. I guess it makes sense that the same thing is happening as what happened before. I don't know how in-depth or painful the surgery is, but in a way it's good to know what's causing the problem and that the problem can and will be fixed. Still, it sounds painful and uncomfortable and I'm sorry that you are having this issue.
My breasts are always in severe pain. But, that happens in rare cases of fibrocystic breasts. It's so weird, like, every symptom fibro could possibly cause, I end up with. It sucks. Things I never imagined were even possible, oh, sure, a small amount of the small amount of people with fibro have this issue. Lol. The most nerve wracking part is my mom has stage 3 inflamitory breast cancer. So, that messes with my head. But, she never had pain or bleeding. From what I can tell of my illness, it will not kill me, it will just always feel that way. The surgery before was a bit painful, but nothing too horrid. I had to adjust to the look of my nipple. It doesn't look different now, just for a few months. My biggest fear is getting put under! lol...that stuff freaks me out!