Brand new! Have diagnosis... No treatment

I was diagnosed on 10/31 at the Cleveland clinic by a rheumatologist. Unfortunately due to being over 3 hours away they want me to follow up with my PCP for treatment. So i scheduled an appointment, handed her the treatment recommendations and she told me that she wanted to check my vitamin D level and run some tests… so here I am on Dec 1 no further ahead than u was a year ago. I’m so frustrated and I’ve had a really rough week. How do I advocate for treatment without sound like a drug seeking crazy person?

I had an appt with my PCP & by happenstance I was in a Flare. Apparently there were 4 people ahead of me & when the Nurse came to the door to get the next person, all of them insisted that I go first. I just wrote this to another Fibro Warrior a few dys or a few wks ago.
When you are in a flare just walk in to your PCPs office, so that She can See you are Not seeking drugs, you are seeking Meds to help you Function. I’m on Savella & I have Hydrocodone for pain.

A relative of mine had had a court appearance for her filing of disability & had a Migraine for the past 19 or 21 dys, it wasn’t her lawyer who asked the questions to the State Labor person but the Judge. She received her Disability.

Hi Nicmc09,
Since your PCP is running more tests after you gave her the diagnosis, says to me she doesn’t believe in fibromyalgia. Look for another doctor. Don’t give up, more and more doctors are coming around. Keep a daily or weekly list of symptoms and how long they last. Many times I’ve left my doctor’s office thinking “He doesn’t realize how bad it’s been.” Also be prepared to try many medications. I see my doctor every 3 months, but have went to the office during a BAD flare. The office people saw my agony and I got an appointment sooner than 3 months. Sometimes you will seem like a drug seeking crazy person and sometimes not. Go with the flow and don’t stress over the little things. Stress is not good for fibromyalgia. Good luck.

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