I have a question...i have firo and all its glory, and Lyrica seems to help with the aches and most pain. I have swelling in the hands and feet, and alot of pain seems to be in my joints. My knees, shoulders, ect.. Does anyone think i could have arthritis of maybe lupus? I know the symptoms are the same. How can you tell the differance?
how do you ask ur dr? I seem to complain almost every time im there. I just saw him on the 16th and i was feeling good that day, so i told him nothing again. I once saw an arthritis dr and he look at me and said why you here? I feel so weird.
I agree with lovett its very easy to forget what you came in for, its easier to write down even a page with a hint to yourself and a example of when to keep u on track
I also ahve Rheumatoid Arthritis that causes swelling and severe joint pain and stuff there is blood test help rule that out you ask your doctor about because there some days i am normal and ican do everything and anything then there days i cant even move without pain and limp, basically it not daily thing i can 3 days with pain then 2 without ect so best bet is to do a journal of "pain" and then show it to doctor include what weather was what you were doing night before how you do in morning then show doctor.
I have lupus and arthritis. Does any one in the family have arthritis or lupus? If they do you could say something like " so and so has ____ and i would like to be tested" the doctor may send you back to a rheumy or do the blood work his self.
I agree with Lovett, write down the areas of pain and intensity each day, then when you see the Doc, ask them to run tests to see if there isn't anything else going on. And it definitely helps to have this and questions written down before you go in to see him. I have to do it or I forget what I was there for. Good luck and I hope they will be able to help you.
I also had pain in my joints... My first visit with my Rheumatologist I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well as BURSITIS in both shoulders, right hip, Gluteal bursitis, and both knees...along with tennis elbow in both elbows and golfers elbow in my left elbow...that very same day he injected my shoulders and hip...WHAT a difference that made.. I can straighten my hair without the arms feeling like they are exhausted...any ways have you Dr. check for bursitis...could be what is going on.
The swelling can be an adverse reaction that I have had to Lyrica and Cymbalta. I am able to take my core meds...norco, amitrptyline, cyclobenziprine, and citalopran...but I have sensitivities to a growing number of medications. I recently moved and changed MD when I did. She encourages me to really take advantage of alternative tx ie. vitamins, supplements, exercise, etc.
I kept a daily log (beginning in 1999) re. stress, pain, and depression and I kept a notebook where I noted changes or severity of symptoms so that I had a list of concerns and issues when I saw the MD. He would actually sit down with and go through the list with me...If I didn't, fibro-fog would take over and I'd just sit and forget everything. I would also keep track of medications that way so that could get new Rx or renewals. I still keep a journal for MD visits. It has become automatic habit for me to do so.
Yours is a good question and is one that many of us with fibro have. How do I know that I don't also have an auto-immune disease? Well, the answer to that would be to go to a good rheumatologist and ask to be tested for some of those illnesses. The tests aren't 100 percent foolproof and there are other auto-immune diseases beyond them but it's a good first step to take. You really DO need to make sure that you do not have any of those nasty illnesses. You might need to redo them at a later date if you still have questions about having them but again, this is a good place to start. And honestly, it sometimes takes a while to find out whether you do have them or not. Unfortunately, many of their symptoms mimic those of fibro so it can be frustrating figure out what is what.
I went through them several years ago and also had my thyroid tested at a later date, because many of us get thyroid problems. So please don't feel odd about asking. You have every right to know what might be going on in your body.
I just wanted to share that I had golfer's elbow too. I went to physical therapy and they used an ultrasound machine on the area and it felt better right away. After several treatments it went away and hasn't returned. In case the injections stop working in the future, just be aware there is another treatment for them.
Ok first yes you could have something else. Find a dr who will listen to you. Also keep a list of things to tell your Dr. Even if your appointment is a long way off. When you feel good you forget the bad days. Dont let anyone make you feel crazy. Listen to your body and keep notes. I have pain everywhere in all joints but the trigger points are the worst. I also keep getting bursitis (iinflammation in the protective coving of the joints). I had a rheumatologist ask me the same thing I wanted to slap him. Instead I said I have swelling everywhere and dont you treat that. He wasn't happy but he did give me an antiiflamatory. I didn't go back to him and I did report him to my PCP. I hope you get answers soon. Good luck.
Wow, that visit sounds identicle to my first rhumey visit, busitis in hip, kness osteo arthritis as well as fibro! She also had bone tests done and found that I have the last stage of osteoporosis. My nuero has diagnosed nuerological movement disorder, and brain damage on the left side of my brain, that's causes numbness on my entire right side. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are other issues that can affect your body and induce more flares. I kept and still do keep daily notes so that each visit I can update my dr. I wish you its of lutle hugs ck in trying to igure out what is going on( my attorney who filed my appeal for disability told me it is vital to keep a written log. Best of luck to you, gentle hugs jackie