Had to change doctors. So long story short - getting took off 80mg cymbalta and going to start lyrica. Taking 22 meds a day. So after reading all about cymbalta & getting off it I'm a bit nervous. Any suggestions?
Love the support on this sight - really needed it too - im out of here.
This site is supported by volunteers, who are not able to man the site 24/7. Depending on the day of the week and season, it may take up to 24 hours to receive responses. There are many here who can support you, but you will need to adjust your expectations a bit. That being said, I will share your discussion with members, Melzig71.
The only thing I was told by my Doctor is the Lyrica can add many unwanted pounds. This is why I chose to go with Cymbalta.
I am sorry, but i just saw this posting.. My husband went through this and it was TORTURE. please work with your doctor to wean off. My husband was dizzy, fatigued,VERY short tempered. in a nut shell it was a living hell for about two weeks or so.
i wish you lucky but please work with your doctor so you weanoff correctly.
it was was tough for me to quit cymbalta after taking it for 2 years but i did it by taking prozac, then it was easy to go off the prozac. lyrica was a good drug for me but i gained weight on it and it was very expensive. i quit taking it and the side effects were horrific. i'm not trying to be judgmental, but 22 meds a day seems like a lot to me. at one point i was on 15 meds a day and a trip to the emergency room with encephalitis, then i.c.u., hospitalization, and several doctors suggested to me that 15 meds/day was too many. hang in there and good luck to you.
I am currently experiencing Cymbalta withdtawl. I basically stopped cold turkey due to and issue with my insurance. I explained how badly I needed my meds, however they have not helped me and I smmot afford the cost. I have to wait until next month to have prescription coverage again and honestly at this point, I’m afraid to even start Cymbalta again for fear of future withdrawl complications. I’ve heard by many (even a family member of mine that has taken it) that Cymbalta is one of the hardest drugs to wean off of, so imagine cold turkey due to no fault of my own. It’s been a very difficult transition. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I want to but can’t cry, sometimes I’m angry, then sad, and on top of this, my body is feeling all sorts of things–pains, twitches, electric like shocks. I really wish you the best and I hope that you do not suffer thru this like so many have. There’s actually talk of a class action lawsuit. Look it up when you get the chance. Also, look up what the FDA had to say about the manufacturer misleading people about Cymbalta withdrawl. I’m in the process of seeking help and support in this as well.
Excuse my typos
I did, but you have to wean slowly. Cymbalta just upset my stomach and I couldn't keep it down. Try calling the pharmacy and let them the issues and that you need to wean of salt. Just don't stop it, ban be dangerous.
I have experienced this, but I did not replace the Cymbalta. I had to very slowly (over a period of 1.5 months) quit taking this medication as I had several uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms (sweating, brain zaps, jitters). Just listen to your body and follow its lead. Best regards, Kim
You will need to come off it slowly. The same will happen with the lyrica. You will have to tapper off. The lyrica helped with the pain but made me feel drunk. I only could take it at night.
What other meds are you on? 22 sounds incredibly high. I'm on Lyrica (switched from gabapentin which didn't work, no weaning, the only side effects I've had is incredibly exhausted and nausea), cymbalta, a muscle relaxer and Oxycodone for the pain.
I went if cymbalta with Dr approval.
I tapered much too fast !
Hard to do with capsules in reducing dosage and taking time to slowly taper .
I had full blown withdrawal. Yes it can be very serious!
Any type of antidepressant can be serious same as any illegal substance withdrawal.
Hard core stuff I’m talking about .
I would recommend:
1)Slowly lower dosage and long period of time. Longer than seems to be necessary.
2)Make sure you have Dr that is on board to supervise and help you if you need further quick help. Make them commit to it.
That tells them how serious and serious you are about the commitment .
Drs don’t know everything . Even in their field .
3)I would get online and read about and consider taking supplements that may help
The transition.
4)If switching starting on one as going thru transition of going off another sounds like a good idea. Close Dr supervision.
5)Online you will hear about GABA etc.
they help synthesize serotonin, receptors
I myself am tappering off of Cloipin now. After 20 years !!
After the cymbalta feasco , 1 1/2yr. After the withdrawal,effects and fallout(6-8 months )
Yes my Fibra is worse without it. But it’s done. Would I have done differently
YES probably would stay on it!!
So likely you need something just keep in mind you need to stay on it for ever.
It’s ok.
The Clopin I take for sleep disorder.
I have read not good for older adults
Due to build up in the system.
I am very slowly tapering off.
Yes withdrawal but so far has been manageable. Very slowly !
I do feel more alert and sharper .
I still work in a very high stress demanding
I am starting to take some supplements
To help the body with the balance of brain chemistry and help the withdrawal.
GABA, Vit B, magnesium,5L
I have to keep working and appearing my same self. Survival of the fittest!
Withdrawal symptoms are withdrawal pretty much for anything.
Do not get yourself in a serious nightmare.
Like I did .
Educate yourself about withdrawal.
Likely your dr is not familiar with as they say or think they are!!
Decide your plan of action .
Tell them what you may expect and what you may need from them. Ask if you call at anytime will they help you through symptoms . So you don’t have to go to ER.
The only help I got was taking me off work.
Do don’t wind up where I did.
The medication are a wonderful things .
If need it. Take it Understand it.
accept it
I f need to go off
Education Have a plan
Know what can possible expect.
Get support
Get off Cymbalta slowly. You will have to taper down. It has some rough side effect. I would fall sideways and have "shocks" in my head every once in a while coming off of it.
Good Luck!
I was in the hospital here in Bay Point, CA and both of those drugs really fouled me up. My heart started giving me afib and the doctor at the hospital weaned me off of both drugs. I had been on Lyrica since it had first been approved. My doctor at the time said it would probably help my Fibro (which it didn't) as did the Cymbalta. That meant back to pain meds. After nearly 20 years I have managed to control my use of pain meds. Weaning off of both Cymbalta and Lyrica can be painful, give one hallucinations, lose of appetite and effect ones heart. Otherwise it sucks!
Kim, I take cymbalta and really know nothing about withdrawal, however, my dr brought me to my current dosage gradually. I would think you would come off the same way - gradually. Best of luck. Keep your spirits high
I’ve been on Lyrica twice, the first time it interfed with my sleeping pills (but I was on the wrong pills) second time picked up nine kgs in one week. As with everything, you need to ween off and even though we all are diagnosed with the illness, I have never met anyone with the same treatment. Good luck!
Hi Melzig71
I was on cymbalta 60 mg twice a day. then they added three other meds during a visit on june 15th. In the midst of getting the scehdule down for all the new ones, I ran out of the cymbalta and hadnt missed it until I started in to the withdrawals! OMG!!! it was horrible to say the least. Not to scare you though, I believe it is done properly, not taken off all at once, if they wean you down it can be done safely and hopefully with little to no withdrawals. I will pray for you...as you transition to the lyrica. I also pray the lyrica fits you good!
I am dealing with a work injury and my boss is NOT very understanding!
My experience coming off cymbalta was a bit different. I was only on it for 3 months though as it did not agree with me at all. I was switching to Allegron and my rheumatologist said just stop the Cymbalta and start the Allegron. Having done this I thought weaning off should have been advised to me, but I only had a week of horrendous dizzy spells and inability to tolerate light where I could not work. After that I was fine. So now I wonder if a horrible week cold turkey is better than a horrible few weeks weaning off.
I just weaned off Cymbalta and took my last dose about 3-4 weeks ago. I was on 120mg/day. I went down about 5mg/week. I would open one 60mg capsule. There were 12 pellets inside, so each pellet was 5mg. So, it took me about 24 weeks or 6 months to wean off. The problem is that some 60mg capsules have the 12 pellets and some have many more smaller pellets. As for the 30mg capsules, they also have the smaller pellets. In that case, I would just eyeball it, as best I could. When I finally stopped taking it, I did have some mild migraine-like headaches and fatigue for about 2 weeks. But, now I don't feel any withdrawal symptoms!! My advise is to definitely be patient and take it slow. Eventually, you'll get there. Good luck!