Dexterity problems worsening, why?

Hi everyone I'm lying in bed with everywhere absolutely killing..... that baseball bat has been at me again, to write this on my touch screen tablet is almost too painful and exhausting to bare, but I have a real concern!

Like everyone else on here, my pain, fatigue, fibrofog and 100 other symptoms vary in severity day to day but currently I have become aware that I'm having dexterity problems which are concerning me.

My strength has always been poor (since my diagnosis) and I'm clumsy and uncoordinated but this symptom is very much more. My fingers feel stiffer and feel slightly numb and so to do something basic like sliding a switch or doing up buttons are becoming a challenge.

I'm eager to know anyone else's experiences, am I panicking unnecessarily, will this get worse????

I apologise for rambling, and if any of the above does not make sense please forgive me.


i also have a very severe case of CFIDS ( chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome ) which comes with a multitude of symptoms so none of what you say is unfamiliar to me.. Have you been to a neurologist? That would be my suggestion and i guess to a rheumatologist to rule out any other stuff. best of luck and many hugss to you


Suzie and Tina thank you both for your advice and support…
I have been contemplating visiting my doctor, however I have recently had a change of practice, and sadly this doctor is dismissive and even had the cheek when I first met her to say “well you take time over your appearance”!!!
I had to take a deep breath before explaining that everything I was wearing was pull on, had no zips/buttons etc and my fiancé put my hair up in a ponytail and attached a hairpiece.
So to face her again when she obviously is lacking empathy and understanding is daunting.

I realise that a visit is probably best, but I truly think that the best information is from others who live with fm & CFS.

Hello Bev,

I have surely missed having you around, and am sorry to hear that you are going through this.

After re-reading your profile, I have to ask if you had x-rays after the car accident and if they showed any spinal changes.

Besides being genetically predisposed to autoimmune arthritis and a few others, I got to this place after my third rear end car accident that i never recovered from.

My hands have been numb for years, especially the outside fingers, the Rheum explained where the nerve in the neck was that this corresponded to, and surely enough, I have collapsed discs on one side or the other, cervical stenosis, and scoliosis, ddd, so it made sense, especially as the MRIs tell the tale of arthritis.

I know, I usually complain about my lower back, it's much worse than the neck, but the neck is not good either!

As a nurse you know that what is wrong with me, may have no bearing on you, but I can only tell you my story.

Please get some current x-rays, and find out what;s going on there!

I hope you can get some answers and some substantial relief! I'm so sorry to see such a life loving lady feeling so bad!

Wishing you well, and sending a big hug,



As usual it's really lovely to hear from you. You are completely right, when I think back I have in fact had 3 rear-end shunts and I recall having xrays after the 1st or 2nd (I can't recall now) but after the 3rd I'm fairly certain I didn't.

After the 1st I saw an osteopath as medication alone was not helping, so after the 3rd shunt I went back and I vaguely remember him stating that the damage done was at C5 and that this injury was not going to be improved by any treatment as it was too severe now! So my neck (in particular the left side) has always been incredibly painful and I do suffer with pins and needles and numbness quite a lot down my left arm and into my hand/fingers.

However, this manipulation problem is unlike any sensation I've experienced, it's a real tightness and weakness, and they don't seem to respond as they should.

I fully hear what you are saying, that I should get this 'checked out' but as sad as it seems - I'm frightened it might be something else!!! my ex-nurse's head fails me at times.