I don't have health insurance, and I cannot afford to go to the doctor. I made an appt to START the financial application process for the hospital clinic. The appointment isn't for two weeks from now. My flareups have been becoming more frequent, and they are horrible. I have lost my third job this year due to it. They just refer me to a neurologist when I go to the ER. I'm sitting here in agonizing horrible pain like a gang with metal baseball bats just started beating my body. My dizzy spells are back. The memory loss and nightsweats. Nausea. HELP!
Oh, over the counter pills don't work. I have taken 4-6 at a time every hour and nothing. I have tried bengay, massages, hot showers. I eat very healthy, lots of fruits and veggies, and am on a gluten free diet to help the IBS I developed. I now cannot work out in gyms(and I used to be a full time personal trainer at one), but I still try to go for a brisk long walk everyday. I have also tried every vitamin and mineral and amino acid supplement there is. It looked like I owned Vitamin Shoppe for awhile there!
Christina, Have you constdered just going to the emergency room? They cant turn you away if you dont have any ins. I wish there was more I knew but thats all. I hope you start to feel better real fast. Take Care Hun, Lots of hugs your way, Robin
I just noticed where you live. I was born and raised there. Could you just go over to Jackson. They will treat you and maybe the will call in a speacialist. I have several family members that have gone there. There is a weight but it is a really good hospital.Hugs
The emergency room just refers me to the specialist. I made an appt for Jackson. The appt is for financial help, not a dr visit. It takes so long! I'm not sure what to do for right now :-(
I don’t even remember the last time I had insurance…I think it was '06. We have a free clinic here that is open twice a week from like 5 to 9pm. They can help with anything but pain meds…