Don't suffer in silence

AussieMom -

My grandparents lived for many years in the Big Thompson Canyon, between Loveland and Estes Park, Colorado. I have several fond memories of visiting them - including all the hummingbirds they would feed in the summer on their patio.

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They are such amazing creatures. My parents live in Alabama. Every spring the birds will appear and fly directly in front of them when they sit on the porch… kind of like they are saying “hey we’re back. Put out the feeders!”

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This post really ‘got’ me. You were so right to ditch that one doc who dismissed you. Too often (though it is slowly changing) we think that doctors know best and dismiss or discount our own experiences. Good for you! Hugs back to you!

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MacAttack, welcome to the community! I like your user name - very cool. :sunglasses:

Thank you all for the support you are offering in this thread. I thought I was alone in feeling like I was going mad with all the changes to my condition. Then when I went back to the doctor “again” (not a fan of time in waiting rooms) after 4 rounds of tonsillitis, 2 of vertigo, possible glandular fever all in the last 12 months and he said I would need to see a psychiatrist that was break point. I literally heard the word and just about nothing else. Luckily for me my next stop that day was the psychologist I have been working with for two years now. I’m only now beginning to be able to face the trauma that occurred in my childhood and since it’s been waiting so long, and I had a work situation last year that REALLY triggered my hypervigilant “danger everywhere” response things have seemed a lot worse. My anxiety is the worst it has ever been and the doctor is concerned that my new physical symptoms may be the result of panic disorder on top of my generalised anxiety disorder. I have never been a person who has been able to lean on others or ask for help, always had to be the strong one, not be a burden etc (particularly relevant as I write this, been waiting all day for the news my brand new nephew has arrived and he’s taking his time). I have finally started to let some colleagues know how I’m feeling, but at such a surface level I know they don’t really have a clues what the truth is (to be honest, I’m not sure I do either). Just reading these posts made me feel less concerned and less a “failure”. I know this may be rambling, but I’ve never reached out before so I’m still learning how. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for this shared space to be vulnerable with people who get it. It makes a hard situation (I’m currently struggling to turn my head as the pain in my neck is so bad the last two days) easier to bear.
@gramybear Thank you for the quotes- they always make me smile, help me see something new or remind me I’m not alone.


Hi, Jess111
I’m so sorry you’re going through a difficult time - I struggle with anxiety (also diagnosed as Panic Disorder), as well, and I know how much that can drain you and make you feel like one big bundle of nerves. It sounds like you are taking steps to make things better. I’m glad you are a part of our group!
Sending you hugs & saying prayers that you will have less pain and anxiety and feel more like yourself, soon! :heart: Let us know how you are doing.

I struggle with generalized anxiety as well, along with panic attacks although the doctor decided not to add that diagnosis for some reason, and depression (major depressive disorder or chronic depression, take your pick, I’ve been diagnosed with both over the years). Neither make all the rest any easier to deal with and as AussieMom said can be so draining. Sending hugs your way and hopefully things will be going better for you soon.


Thanks AussieMom. Your care and compassion made a huge difference.
Things are hopefully starting to ease with this flare, so we’ll just keep rolling.
My nephew arrived safely after a 49 hour labour, and he, my sister and BIL are doing well. He’s such a blessing and a great reason to smile!

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Thanks for reaching out. It means a lot! Take care