
I just read the discussion on childhood sexual abuse. I amazed there are so many. It makes me feel sick, it's like an epidemic. But I'm glad I'm not alone. If one of you wouldn't mind I'd like to talk privately about it. I can't afford to see a therapist, and I have to know, how do I forget? Thank-you Charlie

I've sent you a private msg with a friend request. I understand b/c I can't speak of the horror on this board either.

Mega hugs to you,


Hey hun,

I sent you a friend request. it wouldnt let me message you but i would love to talk with you. i know what your going thru. i had to go thru it for 4 years. i can do my best to help you out as much as i can =) *hugs*

I think, and this is just my personal opinion, that the pain I have supressed for years about my childhood abuse has manifested itself as fibro. I think if we do not get out our emotional/mental issues that they will eventually come out as diseases of our bodies. We have a right to be angry but at some point you have to let go. Carrying the anger lets our past win and gives us little future.

it just recently dawned on my that not just childhood abuse by abuse in marriage or from a parent of anyone else later in life is a root cause of fibro. and just so people don't get too hard on themselves, i have read a lot about the very cells of our bodies having memory....so, we might have forgiven, etc., but way deep down in those cells they are still fighting back. it is interesting although only helpful to avoid guilt!

the worst flare i had lasted a whole winter. i could not bathe, wash my hair, etc. and was in a wheel chair. never in my life have i felt pain so intense! the day before the onset on this horrible thing i was extremely anxious...just a free floating anxiety, and i did not know what to do. well, guess what, when the flare started, the anxiety went away. for me, i am able to cope with physical pain much easier than emotional. i was in a literal sheath of pain..to move a little muscle just killed me. anyway, this is just to illustrate the power of the mind.

i also find it so important to keep myself as distracted with the joyful and productive things in my life. i know we all live in pain....we have to LIVE THROUGH it and develop quality life styles in spite of it.

hoping this helps someone in some small way...hugs, annie

i have two other email try tigger and ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■