Has anyone ever tried dry needling for pain relief? (it's similar to acupuncture, but based on western medicine, and NOT pain free, like acupuncture tends to be). My rheumatologist recommended it. I had my first appointment today and am just wondering if the pain I endured today will be worth it in the long run. Thank God today was a low pain day for my FM. If it wasn't I don't think I could have endured both the FM pain and the procedure pain. It felt like I was having electric shock therapy from the inside!
I read your post and have never heard of dry needling. I researched it and it does sound very painful. My eyes were wide just reading about the procedure. You are very brave and strong : ) I hope the therapy helps you.
Thanks, Sara. Today is the day after and the jury is still out. I don't think I had a lot of FM in that leg last night, but maybe it was just overshadowed by the soreness of the procedure? I don't know. If it helps, it's worth it. If it doesn't, then I endured an hour of agony for no good reason, and that will make me cry.