
Hi Everyone! I hope you are all feeling ok!

So, I have been debating whether to test out acupuncture. I have pretty much had it with pain, and I am looking for some new ideas to ease it. Has anyone had any success with acupuncture? How long do the sessions typically take, and how often do you need to go to see results? Or if you had more success with other treatments, I am open to ideas. Thanks so much! It will really help make my decision, and I hope it will help others too!

I haven't tried it, but it's my next step :). I've used it once for back pain when I herniated a disc and it helped it heal much more quickly so we'll see.

Good luck. I hope it will work to some extent!

I have had 6 sessions the past 2 weeks! Today I feel like it might be helping. I was in a lot of pain prior to going and like I said, today is good! Not sure if it is acupuncture or just getting better. It is worth a try! Good luck!

I liked acupuncture for its’ calming anti-anxiety effect, but hadn’t noticed enough pain relief after 4 or 5 sessions, so I sought other treatments. I do wonder had I stuck it out, if it would’ve been helpful with my pain symptoms in the long run… I’m sure I’ll try again some day. I know others here have had good results. Good luck with your treatments!

I just started with it and am going to my third session tomorrow. The first session sent me into complete misery. I had intense dizziness, nausea, headaches, and body aches. I never would have expected that from some little needles. My acupuncture therapist actually cheered when I told her this because I guess my body reacted so quickly and purged so many toxins so quickly (?). My second session was a complete 180. I am not sure how others do it but she has me lay on a heated pad an then placed heat fans over the parts of my body with needles. That mixed with some diffused essential oils made for a really nice relaxing half hour. I actually fell asleep for a bit. I woke up feeling energized for the first time in a long time and felt that way for about 2 days. I also have noticed an increased appetite this week which is not at all normal for me. Of course my body bounced back and I have been miserable the past couple days. Maybe its all in my head, but I don't care. Anything that helps even a little I will continue with. Best of luck for good results!