
Yesterdays accupuncture produced an all over flare and a migraine. Maybe it broke all the junk up, I don’t know? Should I keep my appt. next week? Will it get better with each treatment?

It does break up everything and release toxins and tight muscles. Drink lots of water, more than normal, and keep going. Eventually it will help more.Best of luck and gentle hugs!

I am a baby when it comes to needles but I know acupuncture is great. My brother would use it. Yes it breaks everything up and you must flush it out with water. I would wait to see how you are in after a couple days before you decide. I get massage therapy and sometimes I am unable to move the next day or two but usually I get a few really good days out of it.

Thanks guys. I think I will make my next appt. on sat. afternoon so I can recoup on sun.

Mine got better as I went. Hope this works for you.

Hi dena,

Oh yes, it gets much better, just like Chiropractics, it gets much better as you go! Both are very helpful to me!

Wishing you well, sending a hug,


Oh yes, it will get better. Too bad this time was so bad. Like everyone said, keep drinking that water.

I’ve never had accupuncture (I’d love to, but my insurance won’t cover it) but I had the exact same kind of reaction several years ago when I had several sessions with a physical therapist who was knowledgable about deep tissue massage. At first it made me feel like I had the flu, every time, but slowly it got better. She told me one secret was to drink as much water as I possibly could both before and after the therapy, to help flush the released toxins out of the body, and it did seem to help.

I’m so glad I stumbled onto this from all of ya’ll. I have thought of doing it but was afraid it wouldn’t work. And do not want to put myself in more pain for no reason. Its enough the weather is changing. Anyways thanx and lots of soft hugs all around!!

I’ve never done it, but it seems everyone is giving great advice.