Emotional roller coaster

Hello to everyone x dont know were to start as my head is everywhere at the moment , , when im flareing like today I just cant get my head a
round the simplest things , last week I wasnt gd for 5 days and yesterday I could manage things , and today I struggled waking and getting up , yet a day ago I could get up and plodded on , how can my body change so dramatically like this . Its like mental torture and physical torture , as tho my body is playing games , even tho I only have 4-5 bearable days a month , I usually know when its going to be difficult for me , I hope im making sense im so muddled at the moment , x hugs angi

Oh no Angie, So sorry your not having a good week. I think fibro plays games with our body and it really stinks. Between the aches and pain and the fog and sleepiness it just messes ups up all the time. Just yesterday I was having a pretty good day till I went outside for about ten minutes. That heat put me in so much darn pain I has to soak and get in bed. I am staying in the a/c today lol. By the way you make perfect sense to me, been there done that. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon. Sending gentle hugs your way, Robin


I also understand how you are feeling. I had to make a medication change and it has thrown me into a horrible place. Not depressed but I cannot remember anything, and I get distracted very easily. Sunday I went in to take a shower and ended up cleaning out my drawers! My husband came looking for me and said, what are you doing? I said, cleaning out my drawers!, he said, yea, I see that, but weren't you going to take a shower? I said, oh, I forgot! Then we just laughed! What else are you gonna do? Not only am I having memory issues, but the pain is horrible. So know that we are all here for you! Sometimes it helps to just write it here, kind of like public journaling! We just all need to stay positive. Hope you feel better soon.


Hi Angie,

I'm sorry you are having such a bad time today. I can assure you that your post made perfect sense to me. I have more problems with the fibro fog and fatigue then I do with anything else. I hope you feel better soon.

Gentle hugs,

Dottie S

Hi Angie,

Those flare up times are the worst! So sorry it's hitting you so hard and you are making perfect sense! We all understand what your feeling. Although you say you usually know when its going to be difficult...as times I find fibro symptoms are so unpredictable because it creeps up on you when you least expect it. A while back I actually woke up one morning and no pain...I was like wow maybe it's gone! For a couple of days I didn't have to take my pain meds and I was pinching myself it was too good to be true! Well it was...it came back with a vengeance! It amazes me every time I have a reasonably good day and the following one is torture and that is with meds! Hang in there it will pass and I pray and hope things will get better for you very soon!! Please give us an update to let us know how you're doing.

Gentle hugs,

Sue (aka Dreamcatcher)

Ty everyone , the pain is a little less , im strugglibg with the fatigue , and foggyness , just feel iam dragging my body around . Hugs to all xx

Iam hoping I feel a little better as iam supposed to go and see my brother and his family tom , if I feel like this I cant go , its only an hr away , but it takes me 2hrs to even get going in the mornings , if I dont go I feel im letting people down , ive only been up two hrs and done a little and want to sleep again , should I push myself to go or just say no I cant make it x