
I am also B12 deficient due to intestional surgeries. I have to give myself a shot twice a month. I don’t feel anything from it. My doctor told me you could not get it unless you tested deficient. Wow, what we are told…

I know tricky, everyone seems to be told something different! The kind I have you mix with a small amt of water and drink. I didn't think you could get the shots either unless you were deficient, at least not getting the insurance to pay for it!

Right. Mine are prescribed with the needles. I hope it helps you. Hugs.

This is going to sound silly, but do you take vitamins? I take a daily multivitamin and B-12 for energy. Also, have you had your iron checked? Many women of child bearing age are anemic and don't even know, and this can increase your fibro symptoms. I take Slow Fe which is a time release iron pill that is a bit gentler on the stomach. And water! Make sure you're drinking plenty of it!

There's nothing more frustrating than being in bed all of the time! Good Luck, I hope you start to feel better!

I think you don’t feel anything (I don’t either from the monthly shot) because it is somehow different from the one you can get every day. I think maybe it works in a different way or else it seems like we would have to have shots every day. Maybe there is a time release one and an instant release one. You got my curiously up so I will ask the doc and let you know if I find out anything interesting.

I have a prescription and my insurance didn’t pay for it.

I need to check into gluten free. thank you

I have no sleep issue, but soreness plays a factor. I take tramadol and if for some reason I miss a dose the ache is unbearable. So I've gotten pretty at taking my meds.

If I get any suggestions to help you sleep I'll pass them on.

Try meditation