Fibro-Not Just Dealing w/ Pain

Ok, I'm extremely new here & I'm sure this has been discussed but I wanted to see what you all have to say about Fibro and other issues associated w/ this. I do have flare ups w/ pain. It's usually when I've overdone it but I think I have a good handle on it. I use Ibuprofen 800mg when I'm having alot of pain as well as heating pads and if I can, I'll wrap the area (such as a knee, wrist, ankle).

So one of my main issue has been the fatigue. It can be very draining. I have meds to take in the morning to help get me going & I can definitely tell if I miss it. I also take a Vitamin B (I think 12) as well as Vitamin D. We all know that exercising (as I'm told by others that I need to do more) is difficult. How can you exercise when you are barely able to get out of bed to get dressed? My whole life lately has been trying to get through the work week. I usually leave my Sundays open to crash & recoup but it seems that my Saturdays are becoming my crash days. I then spend Sundays trying to get basic things done around the house like laundry & cleaning.

I have to work because I support alot of people and too be honest I have debt such as my house which is newly owned. So what do you do to help deal w/ the fatigue?

Oh, and don't get me started on migraines and IBS. That'll be a totally different thread later. :D Thank you for your input!

Hi JennG

I think we all suffer from fatigue. If I barely do anything I am all ready fatigued! I can only do like two different things in a day. This morning I took sewing class that

Was approximately 3 hours long, after two hours I was done. I had to have help getting yo my car. I came home and immediately went to sleep. My husband brought my stuff in from my car and I still have not put it away. Too tired. That's it, that is what I have done today! That's how most of my days are. It is tough. Then the unbearable pain on top of that. So I totally understand what you are saying. I don't have any advice to give you but I can understand and empathize. So anytime you need to vent, I'm here for you.

Jackie S

Thanks for replying. I need to look into a few of those supplements you take Pamela. I only take the B12 & Calcium/D3 vitamins. And I need to be more positive when it comes to doing any kind of exercising. It's never been a thing I enjoy even before the Dx.

I did make an investment this year & bought a better Tempur Pedic bed. We had a regular queen sized bed w/ the coils and now we have a king sized bed w/ the Tempur Pedic. It's really helped because when hubby moves around, it doesn't disturb me. And if he stays on his side, his snoring isn't as bad either.

Thanks again!

Hi JennG,

I know how you feel with working and needing to work in order to pay the bills. I do the same thing with Saturday and Sunday that you do. The work week really wears me out and I need to rest on the weekend to be able to make it through the coming week. My husband and I bought a house a little over a year ago.

The Tempurpedic bed is a great idea, glad it is helping you. I also have a Tempurpedic mattress and my husband and I live by it. We won't switch to any other mattress brand because it is amazing.

As far as the fatigue goes, it is a battle. I use to take medicine before I could get going in the morning, but I started a new medication for depression and it has really helped my energy level. I no longer need to take the previous medication to help me get going in the morning. The new medication doesn't help 100% of the time, but it has sure improved. If I'm feeling really sluggish, I grab a cup of coffee or two and that helps get me through the work day.

As far as being more positive about doing exercise, I completely understand what you are saying. How are we supposed to exercise when we feel fatigued and in pain? I haven't figured that one out yet either. I just try to have a positive attitude about making it through the work day and give the rest of my energy to making dinner and spending time with my husband.



hi, i'm pretty new myself. boy, do I hear you about the exercise thing. if your too to function, somedays can't get out of bed, it's almost impossible. hrhboris

My biggest issue is also the fatigue. And it's not just physical fatigue, although that is enough to kick my butt back to bed! I find that I'm too tired to think sometimes. That focusing on certain things is a massive effort because even thinking requires energy I don't have.

I also have been trying magnesium supplements and vitamin B complex. I asked a pharmacist about 5HTP and SAMe, and was told that I shouldn't take them since they both have SSRI type modes of working. 4 months ago I stopped taking my last doctor prescribed medication and am still having withdrawal symptoms. The pharmacist told me that both of those supplements would react with my body the same way as the medication I quit taking, so I stay away from them. That's my personal choice though, because to me, the side effects are just not worth it.

I haven't a clue how to make exercise a regular thing, I think most of us here are struggling with that. If you find something that works, let us know!

I do know that martial arts is GREAT for fibro patients, but actually getting yourself to do it is another matter. That is my focus, I loved tae kwon do when I took it in college and would love to get back into it. But just the thought of being in a fighting stance and punching even the air makes me want to take a long nap!

Rubber Ducky, I took tae kwon do in jr college and got all the way to a green belt! I liked it and would've loved to go back but finances, energy, time takes a toll. I also have issues w/ the Fibro Fog. Ugh! My job has a lot of details that I need to keep track of. Lately I just feel stupid for forgetting simple things that I've done over and over for the past 15yrs. I just try to make sure I keep lists & my BF at work is post its! :) It helps that I'm a self-diagnosed OCD/anal person. LOL But it does get tiresome just trying to recall something in a conversation. My hope is to last at my current job for another 6yrs. At that point, I'll have put in 20yrs and my youngest will have graduated HS. Then maybe I can find a less stressful job. We shall see.