Fighting th Good Fight?

I need to know how to fight this! I hate the ups and downs. I hate feeling tired when I haven’t done anything. I hate going up or down the stairs at a snails pace. My leg feel so heavy, they ache most of the time. The meds help but they add to my tiredness. But I can’t sleep unless I take another med. In the morning my arms and or shoulders are numb. Only to take more meds making me tired again. There are times when I am at work that I just want to put my head down and close my eyes. I get up and walk around the office and hurt with every step but I can’t sit and sleep at my desk. There has to be something I can do. I have been working with the dr for 3 months to change and adjust meds since a major flair up in early October. I have left my job as an urban high school teacher due to the stress of the job and an hour commute each way that left me unable to get out of the car. I am trying to loose weight. I am trying to go to the gym and swim every day. I’m taking vitamins C, D, calcium, magnesium in the dosages recommended by my doctor. I’m on COBRA health ins. with a huge deductible I can’t afford a lot of dr appointments right now just for them to tell me nothing more.

out of everything i read one thing stood out. whlie it is very good for us to get exercize you may be over doing it by tring to workout and swim everyday. most of the studies say that warm water is very good for fibro. there should be some where u can take classes. being in warm water is easier on us. the classes include a gentle work out in water which is easier on us. also i have read that just light walking a few times a week is about all we need to try to do as far as that type of exercize.

i do not what type of work out u r doing but it may be why u r having such bad pain. try things that r easy on your body and joints. if u r so tired a med change may be a good idea. however you may need to just work part time. many of us on here including me only work part time and many of us myself included wouldnt work at all if we had the choice. this can be a nasty disease and can and will alter your life. so many of us had had to make changes which have included changing to part time work and some just cant work at all. and while every case is different they seem to be alot of thing we all have in commen.

I know alot of the members suffer with more than just fibro. if this is true of you too then try to make sure u have your other conditions under control as much as possiable. i hope that i have helped you in some way. many hugs


Hi Shaylynn,

I think that Eeyoreluver may be right about the exercise, go easy on that, usually most people only exercise a few days a week, and it really should be light stretching. The arthritic swim classes at they Y in warm water are very good!

I could not even imagine teaching High School, I'm sure the stress was just overwhelming. Sounds like you were wise to make that change. You may need to give some serious consideration to the stairs at your home. It may be time to think of a change there too. I know, it's much easier to talk about than do!

I surely understand the financial burden of 'Doctoring', but we have so little choice, especially if we are unwell, they are really our only lifeline, and it's a trial and error with meds, no matter if it's fibro, or something autoimmune.

Glad you are taking vitamins, they are so important to us, especially for muscle health.

I really do hope the meds are effective, many take up to 6-8weeks to feel the full effects of. Hang in there, you are on the right track, hopefully this flair will subside. Please know that we are always here for you!

Love and hugs,


Shaylynn, I also agree with Eeyoreluver that you may be overdoing the exercise and the work. Work can really do us in. Are you working full-time hours? If so, can you cut back some? Or find a less stressful job?

Sounds like you're doing everything right in terms of taking care of yourself. And I congratulate you on taking such good care of yourself.

Have you been to a rheumatologist and tested for other illnesses that mimic fibro? It's possible that you may have some other things acting up as well.

And finally, do you have hypermobility? If so, you may have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

Could you talk to your doctor about your pain and see if your meds can be upped or coupled with other meds? It might end up helping you out. Fibro seems to constantly change, so the meds need tweaking regularly, at least as far as my body is concerned.

I hope you get more info to help you out. And meds that help more with the pain.

Hugs to you,
