I am so frustrated! I want to crawl out of my skin some days!

I have been dealing with Fibro so long (over 12 years) and some days I can deal with it better than others. Today is one of those days I am ready to scream. My week consists of working full time and being totally exhausted by the end of the week I want to sleep anywhere. Then my weekend consists of NOT going anywhere and just lounging around all weekend trying to rest up for the next week. By the end of the weekend I feel somewhat better after all the resting and not doing anything. I get back to work on Monday and within an hour of sitting at my desk the flaring up comes back and my hips, back and shoulders are completely achy and very hard to ignore. I used to be able to power walk 2.5 miles - 3.0 miles everyday on my lunch (1 hr) and now it takes me 20 minutes to was less than a 1/4 mile to get some movement in my body. So frustrated! I am ready to cry sitting at my desk from the frustration. I just really need to vent to someone that really does understand what I am going through. Thank you who ever you are for listening and letting me “cry on your shoulder”. :cry:

Hello Elaine,
Vent away! That’s what we are here for! I always think, saves our families. Your life does sound so tough, working full-time, I wonder can you reduce your hours or make adaptations in the work-place. I had to give up work, and feel better when I am able to pace myself. Of course that might be not be possible, but you have the warm water therapy to look forward to, so I hope that will help. I wish you well.
Take care, Anne