
For the last three days I have been beyond tired. I find myself fighting to stay awake at work. It hurts my eyes to be open. I want to sleep till I feel like I actually slept (like that will ever happen). I hope this passes soon and just goes back to my normal tired. Any thoughts on how to push back into my norm quicker?

I feel like that too. I sleep when I can. Catch up on the weekend!


I am sorry you are going through this. I had an episode a few years ago where I slept for 5 days. Woke up only to use the restroom and eat a few bites. I think I was up for 2 hours and that wore me out. Then, one morning I woke up and it was gone. Bizarre.

I hope this passes and you feel better again soon.

Hi Sam,

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. In my experience, it does get better. We have our moments (or days) of exhaustion and then it balances out. I'm in the same boat with you right now. I could sleep for hours upon hours and I still don't think I would feel rested. I hope you feel better soon.

Lots of hugs,


i am ALWAYS exhausted. dont sleep well. move from bed to couch and back to bed. take one med in middle of night if awake at that time. have had fibro 35 years. once in awhile i lay down for a nap and sleep 2 hours, but have dreams and very stiff when i get up. during the day if seeing FAMILY OR DRIVING TO GET GROCERIES I FEEL OK... but as soon as whatever diverts my attention from pain is gone... then i really hurt again. i hope you feel better soon

Hi Sam.

First on your list would be to have a sleep study done, if you haven't already. If you snore, you may have sleep apnea, where you stop breathing briefly when you are asleep, then usually gasp for air and awaken so briefly that you may not even notice. Sleep apnea not only messes with your sleep but can make you have a much higher risk of stroke, heart attack and cancer if left untreated.

You might also have restless leg (or arm) syndrome, where your limb jumps around in your sleep, again waking you up briefly. Both syndromes can affect your sleep and you can end up very groggy during the day as a result.

You know, your medicines might also be affecting your wakefulness.

And lastly, it just may be the good ole fibro at work. And yes, it's awful to be at work struggling to keep your eyes open.

I think seeing your doctor and asking him about this would be a good next step.

Lastly, it may well be your body's way of telling you that you need to get even more sleep at night or during the weekend.