Stiffness and tiredness

Good morning all,
I am wondering does anybody else start getting stiff and just plan old tired after you get going in the morning? Lately i am thinking today is going to a good day: no aches and pains or any of the other fun symptoms we have. Yet once I am up and moving in the morning it all hits me. Love you all.

Hi Rachel,

I know exactly what you're talking about. I frequently get up feeling wide awake and good, but in less than 2 hours I'm back in bed because I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Most times all I've done is have my breakfast and maybe get dressed. It's a big part of why I'm unable to work anymore. I'm not reliable anymore. I never know when this is going to happen. I now find it happening at any time of day but not nearly as often. Going back to bed for a couple hours was the only thing that helped. Luckily I was no longer working by the time that started and my kids were grown and out of the house.

I'm sorry I couldn't suggest anything to help. I tried talking to my rheumatologist but he was not helpful at all. Told me I'd have to live with it.

soft hugs,

Dottie S.

This happens to me very frequently. It’s so frustrating! I might feel decent when I wake up and be fooled into thinking I might have a good day. Then within an hour or two Im exhausted. Im wondering if it has anything to do with meds as I take them first thing in the morning. Generally I feel best in the afternoon. Hope it gets better for you:) Dyana

Hello Rachel,

Yes, this is my life too! Get up in the morning, feel okish, but after a few hours(often depending on what I do, but not always), the pain and fatigue sents in. i think this is typical of Fibro, from what i have heard from others. For me, i try to do stretches and relaxation after i get dressed, then if I have to do something I can get on for a few more more hours, if not I rest. Defininately you need to pace yourself, listen to your body, do the things you absolutely have to do, but otherwise be kind to yourself. Wish you well

take care, Anne

Hi Rachel

This is my frist time in 2 weeks I have woken up with no pain Just put my dog out for his morning pee and made my coffee

and I can feel it starting in my feet I would love tpo have one good day..