I know I've been beating you poor moderators up on this website. It's always the questions with no answers. That illusive fm answer that we search for, I guess.
Before I even wanted to begin to understand that I was having some kinds of structural problems, I had to have back surgery in 2005 at L5-S1. My disc at that level was removed and replaced with a cage type of device with some of my own spinal matter inside of it. Then the L5 on both back sides were fused to S1 with two rods and 4 screws. My surgeon told me later that he had had both of his hands inside of me at the same time working on cleaning things out. I'm not trying to gross you out. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of arthritis I have. He told me at that time that he went up several vertebra and removed arthritis calcification from the bone. I didn't think much of it at the time. I just wanted to heal. Until this I still felt young and invincible. I was 46 ish.
Then several years later, 2009 I had a fm/cfs diagnosis through my rheumatologist. The blood work and the bone density testing that rheumy did were all normal for auto immune stuff.
I have been trying to study, trying to understand what the differences in arthritis are. I read the Mayo Clinics comparison between Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis. I did a test on the same website and I obviously don't have RA. This makes me want to know why my rheumy didn't discuss osteo arthritis with me. He had my surgery records. Maybe because I'm just starting to put 2 and 2 together I think he should have had some magical diagnosis back then. It would not have mattered anyway right?
Does it seem correct that I would suspect osteo arthritis after knowing what the neurosurgeon had told me? I wonder what this will mean to my cervical pain and nerve problems in the future? You can't eat right and make calcification go away, right? You can't yoga calcification away. The only stationary positions I am comfortable in now are lying down or reclined. I cannot sit up at a table for any length of time. Walking is good, although standing still isn't.
I see same rheumy in 2 weeks that I last saw 3 years ago.
I'm just curious what my friends on here would have to say right now. What kinds of things would you ask this doc?
Loving Hugs,
L Kitty