Fibromyalgia and Arthritis is a new group within our Living With Fibro group!

Please join us in our new group! There are many diseases that fall under the umbrella of arthritis, if you know or even suspect that you are among them, please join us.

Just click groups at the top of the page and it will take you to a list of all of the sub-groups of this site. There you will find 'Fibromyargia and Arthritis'!

Fell at home to join in the discussions, and please feel welcome to post your own discussions!

We have 7 members so far!

We now have a total of 17 members in just a few hours!

Oooh, goodie! I hope these sub-sites gets a lot of traffic. Well done, SK!

Now 24 members, in far less than 24 hours! WOW!

I have RA, Osteoarthritis, FM and CFS. It’s hard living with these diseases but I will not let them get me down. I bike ride every other day. I feel I’m gonna hurt either way so why not try to be active.

Good for you, Arlene! There are rare and wonderful times when I can get on my bike and take a spin with my grandson, and it is just the best fun! It is when I have the grandkids that I push myself the most. My philosophy is that today may be the best day of my life, the best that I will ever be again, I can't think of anyone I would rather spend it with than one of those two little guys! It is easier than going shopping with the older granddaughters, and I miss that so much, but may still have that magic moment with them again!

You are very welcome to join the arthritis group at any time! We discuss all types of arthritis, I have Psoriatic Artritis, the Spondylitis type, and am fortunate enough to take Enbrel. That magic med has given me some of those good days!

Wishing you well,


this is a very storng group already! thanks all for joining! Say hello to Rachel!

Anyone else out there who would like to join? We would love to have you!


I would love to join this group. I myself having continued flareups of firbro - but also advance OA in hands, RA and CFS. Going through a difficult time at moment at work - Boss just doesnt accept I have a disability and putting on me more...which is getting me down. Hope we can support each other through these hard times!

Karin, please do join us, we are just getting it going and have nearly 50! Would love to have your input, and company to help build this group! There are so many more here with arthritis than I ever dreamed! Wow girl, you got the triple whammy! Come join and we'll talk about it!

Just click groups at the top of the discussion page and then click 'fibromyalgia and arthritis' and you belong! With a sub-group no need to be approved or rewrite a profile!


Karin just posted, she has the exact same diagnosis! My heart goes out to both of you!