Hi painedone:revolving_hearts: I know how your feeling and I just want to share just a little with you my own experience, but you might have to experience a lot like I did, because I was hard head:cry: I found out I had fybromayliga 6 years ago, I was desperate for a quick fix, I had a career, worked out every day, I had a life of always being on the go, so with this hitting me I tried all the medications, went to pain management classes, psychologist, a good fybromayliga doctor added injections, I mean by the end of that first year, I had to stop working because I couldn’t concentrate, I was looking like that movie, “The Living Dead” I slept all the time, I was hallucinating badly, by the time I knew it, gained over 40 ugly pounds and was depressed but after depression really hit me hard, and along with all the side horrible side effects there’s one I still have till this day is the ringing in the ears, and doctors have told me it will never go away, they say but I believe in miracles, so please, read anything you take to see if there side effects include nringing in the ears, that’s not a joke! Since I had to stop working, I started attending our Bible studies and I meant ladies that had fybromayliga, I did listen to one of the ladies story, and I so blessed that I did because I’m off all 14 medications since then, it’s been 3 1/2 years, I take all my vitamins, drink green tea, I found a park by my house that has a gigantic in door pool and attend it 6 days a week, the Aerobics Swim class has helped me so much, one hour but I stay longer to chat with all the lovely ladies, all ages that can relate to my pain and we become a very beautiful family, I love them all, some take medications, some take CBD and cannabis, I tried it, I hate it, I went back recently to Amitriptyline, for my muscle spasms, which brought the ringing louder so I got off for good and was suffering until a lady in the pool told me about Restless leggs from Walgreens, I stop right after that and pick me one up, and works wonders, I sleep better now, woo hoo!!! I gave up sugar, carbs and coffee completely and lost 31 pounds, I have some to go but I feel great, some days I over work myself with cleaning house, especially yard work which I love being outside doing, but I’m almost there, where I’m learning to listen to my body, take my short breaks, enjoying the moments, will make life a little bit better, than having a flare-up. Last year my right foot got so inflamed, they xray it and said that bone in the side is inflamed, I used a lot of ginger, sometimes my stomach gets upset, that’s good to have around, but turmeric I use a lot in almost everything, and real good for inflammation, but found out my sandals and flip-flops were irritating that bone in the side, even my tennis shoes, so they were all given away an invested in some comfy ones, it’s about being comfortable, not pretty anymore for me:sob:read up on things, tried it once or twice and go on to the next. Your the only one that knows your body real good, and one more thing, I was always the yes person, not anymore, because alot of times I stressed out that I said I’ll do it, it I’ll be there, and that leads to STRESS, we don’t want that, that’s a big no-no, so now I say so I don’t hurt the person, “my heart says yes, but let’s see what my body says” and I’m in peace about it, that’s what are life should be about, peace, no drama and live, love life for the moments
Take care and you’ll find yourself through this, eventually we all do. I have a couple of girlfriend s that say they can’t give this or that up and I see them suffering, I’m sorry I don’t want that anymoe:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: