Mobility and Conceding

I have been advised by my doctor to try to exercise and push past the pain of fibromyalgia, because exercise is often times good at easing pain..Well Saturday I gave in and went to the park and walked around about 30 minutes in my body began to scream louder than normal but she said push so I did .. I walked albeit slowly for about 3.5 hours by then my alarm was shrieking. When I went to a friends home to finish the day out with a bbq I sat down and took my medicine and felt almost no relief after an hour or so. About 5 hours later I attempted to stand to use the restroom and my hips refused to cooperate or rather one painfully cooperated while the other refused outright. My children had to help me stand and help me limp into the restroom. Today when I went to the doctor, she says I have to keep walking that same way and muscle through the pain and push a little bit farther every day and it brings to mind a question..

How much is fibromyalgia responsible for mobility issues? could this be anything else? Im still relatively young and I really hate the idea of having to use others to help me into the bathroom, what am i to do when no one is home?

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Big hugs and positive energy to you. I do believe that exercise can help some fibro sufferers with pain and mobility. I think each person has to make that determination of whether exercise is a help or a hindrance. I do try and stay mobile. However, I think that when embarking on a exercise program one should start gently, not to overwhelm our bodies. I ride a stationary recumbent bike, and my physician advised me to add one minute each time I ride, to work up to 30 minutes. It didn’t feel too overwhelming to do this, and eventually I did get up to 30 minutes three times a week, but now I do 15 to 20 minutes, because 30 minutes hurts my lower back. I am not sure if fibro is the main cause for your mobility concern, it seems most people here have a combo of medical concerns, me included. I wish you ever success as you try exercising, and I hope you find something that works for you without causing you too much pain.

Singingtrees XXX

Well I have tried to make it a family thing maybe that way I wont notice a fast that pain is setting in but this Saturdays bad judgement practically left me holding my breath. My meds werent helping but Im still at it I notice even water hurts when the flares behave this way, I thought a doctor knew best I really have to start considering looking for a more experienced doctor but it seems like most insurance providers say fibromyalgia should be treated by psychologists, and Im not sure about that because Im not sad or depressed Id just like to be able to do my groceries in 1 round, or go to school functions.. what sort of doctors would you say are better at treating the chronic pain in fibro because frankly I hurt to the back of my teeth and I'd like medical advise that doesnt say push through it


It's interesting that your doctor today told you to continue walking as you did yesterday! But this doctor does not have fibromyalgia. How did your night go last night? Were you able to get the pain to subside so that you could sleep? I know that I would not be able to and I would be in bed for the next few days from extreme fatigue, exhaustion and pain.

When I explained to a physiotherapist how I felt after walking for even 20 minutes she said, "That's because you are walking too far and too fast. Start out small."

If you walked for 3.5 hours no wonder someone had to help you to stand!!

I would suggest that you find a comfortable walking speed for you and start out small and gradually increase the distance but not the speed unless you find that with practice you can walk a little quicker.

I am still shaking my head to think that you walked 3.5 hours!!!!! I'm surprised that you were even able to get out of bed today. Learn to listen to your body. When you stopped after 30 minutes I would say that was plenty of walking exercise for one day.

Gentle hugs


Today was interesting I only made it to the doctors office to talk to her. I couldn't stand, walk without outside help. I had a hard time sitting I ache everywhere and i told my doctor this too.. I spent most of my afternoon trying to ease my pain, I tried soaking, rubbing areas i could which, laying down it seems like so in terms of exercise I got very basic walking I dont think I can do another saturday. Sunday I was stuck in bed crying bloody murder.. today the only reason i was up was because theres a fee if you dont cancel within 24 hours other wise id be bed bound too

Honestly, I feel that no doctor should tell anyone with Fibro to push through the pain. If I push through the pain I'll be in the hospital. I can barely walk now. I agree with everyone when they say you should start slow. I went to the park with my sister and dog about a week ago and we were out there for about 45 minutes. It's a small park so we walked around it once, very slow and then took a 10 minute break, sitting on a bench. We then did another round and followed with another break. If I would have walked for 3.5 hours, I'd have been bed-bound for at least a week.

Has your doctor mentioned physical therapy? I go to physical therapy twice a week and have been going since October of last year. My PT still hasn't released me to do any exercise because my legs are really tight. She's afraid I'll hurt myself. With PT you'll be taught some stretches that you can do in the morning/evening. That might help with some of the pain and mobility.

I understand your frustration with mobility. I'm 38 and have always been active. Now I can't walk more than 10 feet before my legs try to give out on me. I can't lift my arms for more than 10 seconds before they start hurting. Sometimes my neck muscles are so weak that I can't hold my head up. I too wonder if something else besides Fibro is going on with me.

Do you have a cane? I know you might not like the idea but it might help until you can get some of your mobility issues straightened out. When I first started using a cane, I was in so much pain I didn't care what anyone I was way past that point.

I can't "push past the pain" with exercise, as it makes the pain worse. I have been an exerciser all my life. I miss it, and on days when the FM isn't so bad I keep trying. More often than not it causes a flare and I'm concerned about my cardio reserve at this point. It's a catch 22. I like to garden, being outside on the ground and happy is a soul reviver. I garden until I feel the spasms coming on then go inside take meds and lay down. Keep warm, hydrated, in gratitude, look forward to the blooms. Meditate. Rest the adrenals. Put it in perspective. Take the long view. Life is healing.Create love. I get about 3 or 4 hours a day of useful mobility now. Hoping it will improve with good rest and proper care. I need lots of rest because of fatigue. It's OK, I've lived enough effort for 3 people so far. Now is the time to rest more and just be happy I have the ability to do it.

Love your outlook, so positive and fresh. Thanks for sharing.

Oh goodness, vishq, I am sorry to hear about all of your pain.

This reminds me of what my doctor is constantly saying to me, push through it, it helps the fibro when you move, stretch even when your in horrible pain (I know he is a specialized doctor, but sometimes I can't help but stare at him and think yeah this is coming from someone who doesn't suffer from fibro personally).

I would say listen to your body above all, you know yourself better than your doctor or any other human does. If you feel the warning signs of a flare up coming on, please take it easy and do what you have to, to avoid or subdue the pain. If you feel like you can keep going maybe try setting small goals for yourself, such as walking to an assigned street light or store and then walking back home. Low impact exercises will be the best (or at least that is what I have found), such as slow walks, swimming and some cycling. I really miss running and doing hardcore workouts, but remembering the extreme pain and flare ups that followed makes me miss them a little less.

ABOVE ALL please take care of yourself and be the judge of what you think will ultimately be an aid to your body. Remember that your doctor is there to advise and give options, but only you (being the one who suffers) should be able to decide what is really going to work for you. Every person is unique and there is not one single bit of advise that will always be a one size fits all. Find out what helps you the most and roll with it.

Blessings and prayers!

Seems like good advice and a couple smart ideas I have a bunch of chairs just sitting there not earning their keep :D. Id love to garden but I'd hate to find myself stuck on the floor. I really am contemplating "crying uncle" and buying a cane or walker just to help me stand or walk when I'm stuck and no ones home like now, I'm glad I don't need to use the facilities or id have to scoot and find something to grip to help me stand. definitely doing to ask about a therapist for movement because I don't like the flares especially when I pushed it when I shouldnt have but I have noticed catchmypain app works for showing her where and how i hurt maybe I could find a doctor who knows someone who has FMS and knows 1st hand how to treat and what works :) if I come in early otherwise alot of times they are tired and its more blah blah

Been using a cane for a few weeks now and I absolutely detest it but it does help. I hate conceding to my pain but we do what we have to. I did yoga for two years but after that it started hurting. Now I do it only here and there. I used to LOVE exercising, now I find no enjoyment of it. Maybe that will change one day

I've been on Neurontin 900mg(but it only works, so long as I don't move very much, it wears off very fast) and Elavil, I called the after hours and i was given ibuprofen 600mg and vicodin 500mg and i will admit while I dont like the idea of taking anything that has a red tag saying "addictive" use only with doctor supervision it finally let me sleep.. Today Im sore, I figure if I stay home and take it easy I should be able to walk alone tomorrow. maybe I will be able to shop for my own groceries by Saturday. I have a diagnosis from my neurologist but his schedule is so busy that they shedule 6 months in advance so I went to a general practice but I dont know how well we are doing here

I'd love to do yoga, but that would require you to move :D...and I guess a very vain part of me (granted that part is very quiet when im hurting) says you can take it just 1 more step just 1 more why use a cane? but when I hurt I wish i could drive-thru the store or like in the old days just walk up with a list and have the ones who have no issues moving grab the stuff for me.

Wow that is a long time to walk for. I believe you start out going slow and only as far as you think you can. And work your way into the routine. I have been exercising for many, many years and had to have my 25 minute run everyday. But my fibro has been growing stronger and over the last couple of years I can see that I have slowed down on my routine. For the last year, I have not done much with exercise. I hurt to bad. I want to get over this and go for a run but I know the consequences for that. A few days of trying to get the pain and stiffness to go away. It never does anyway, I take it where ever I go, but I pray it will go away, or I pretend its not there. Anyway hope you are feeling better. and don't let it discourage you from trying again. Just go at your own pace a little at a time. I'm starting all over again too. I get started all seems fine for a day or two, because I take it slowly then I push the next day and then I'm off my feet again for about a week. I miss my exercise. I miss my run, wish I could have that back without feeling like some one just twisted my neck all the way around.

I will keep you in my prayers.

I was walking with help and with others not alone anymore, provided i dont walk far and someone goes with me I can do about slow paced 7-10 minutes without pain 30 before its starts hurting noticeably and any longer and its a test of will and it lays me up for a few .. I've noticed rest in a dark quiet room to not bombard the senses, and soaks as well to relieve tension as softly manipulating the skin to get the circulation going and decrease the pains intensity, showers were recommended but at times it feels like its needles stinging me. Im trying to find a long term solution but unfortunately i havent ran by one of those yet. However I do not want to get stuck I had a procedure done at the hospital friday morning and i had to miss my last dose thursday and all day friday, and by the time I left the nurses where helping people recovering from surgery walk and they were walking faster than me and Im determined to do as well I mean they got cut open I just missed a few medicines just ruined my day

As for it improving i hope so my husband is 10 yrs older than i am its gonna be interesting being old with him if it doesnt.

If you can walk for 7 to 10 minutes without pain, then that is when I would stop. Walking as exercise should not be painful. If you stop before it gets painful then you are more likely to keep to walking and enjoying it. After a bit you can extend it a little longer and see if you can do more without the hurting.

The label "addictive" can scare any of us, but it doesn't mean that every person who takes it will become addicted to it. A long time ago I was taking valium for some time. When I stopped taking it cold turkey it did not leave me with problems, not at all.

I am down to a tolerable level today so tomorrow I'm going to try again.. and again until i get it right.. maybe if we can break up the long periods my doctor wants into pieces I might be able to push past otherwise Im going to have to tell her that we need to work on a more realistic goal

and I you..

Surfishgirl you verbalized exactly how I feel "I want to get over this and go for a run but I know the consequences for that. A few days of trying to get the pain and stiffness to go away. It never does anyway, I take it where ever I go, but I pray it will go away, or I pretend its not there."...." I get started all seems fine for a day or two, because I take it slowly then I push the next day and then I'm off my feet again for about a week. I miss my exercise. I miss my run, wish I could have that back without feeling like some one just twisted my neck all the way around."

It makes me want to cry, and im happy that someone gets it but Im utterly depressed at the thought of not finding a way to manage like the commercials. but i have faith I dont want to use a handicap sticker or a cane or walker although sometimes I see people playing with them when im at getting ready to holler makes me wish i had one too

I started to the first time she gave me questionable advice but i called my insurance and they recommended a shrink so I stayed