Grand Baby

Hi All. Well the birth went down just as I thought it would,The baby was born at 6-21- on the 16,Hear and saw a picture of he baby on facebook at around 2-00,with the motherin law,Know no called or e mail me at all. All I can say is thank you Jesus both mother and grand daugther look well. I will deal with this in my own way I think in alot of ways its good to know where you stand cuts a lot of BS out of you life.Yes I am hurt and so is my husband he had talked to them at work he was given the day off if he needed it and could leave at any time when the call came,well like I toled him no need to worry about that now you want need it.We just know one thing somethngs in life can not be fixed with a Iam sorry and this is one of them.I will do ask Jesus would want me too pray for them and for us to hold know hate in our hearts.Have a pain free day friends,Hugs to all

Bet, this has to be so hard on you and your husband, but I'm glad you got to see the baby online and know that everyone is doing ok. I pray that things get easier with this, and that you can enjoy the holidays in peace.



Bet, congratulations on the birth of your grandchild. I'm sorry that you're estranged from your daughter and I hope that someday this rift is mended so you can be there for your grandbaby.

Oh, my heart breaks for you.

I wish people understood how short life is, and above all FAMILY is the most important thing.

I wish people thought more about how their actions effect those that care about them, without question.

I wish people weren't so selfish.

You are a strong, Christian woman, and I am proud to call you my friend. I will pray for hearts to soften and mend.

Good night, and God bless you and your family.

Hi Bet, Congrats !!!
You are an amazing women ! To be so forgiving and pray for your daughter and her new baby and not hold onto any bad feelings of hate shows so much that you are a kind loving person !
I pray that hearts can be softened and healing can take place, so you and your husband can enjoy your daughter and your new granddaughter !!
God bless and many hugs

Congratulations on your new grandchild, I will remember you in my prayers.Gentle Hugs


Congrats Grandmother Bet!

I hope and pray things will smooth out for you and your husband. and you can have a good Christmas with your family. Wish I could take the hurt away!

Love and hugs,